A Happier Life - Chapter 69 - bridgy - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

In the cozy yet cavernous Slytherin common room, the air was thick with the sounds of pages turning, quills scratching, and occasional bursts of laughter. Albus and his friends—Scorpius, David, and Bran—were huddled together among a larger group of fifth years, all deeply entrenched in the throes of studying for their O.W.L.s.

As Albus leaned over to help a fellow student untangle a particularly tricky potions problem, the topic of Professor Snape’s notorious severity in marking came up. There was a collective groan mixed with chuckles as David waved his essay in the air, the parchment almost more red than white.

"Look at this massacre," David complained, "Snape really went to town with his comments." The paper was littered with red ink, each comment sharper than the last. "Look at this—'Do you plan to poison someone, or do you genuinely believe this to be a Draught of Peace?' How’s that for encouragement?"

One by one, others joined in, sharing their heavily annotated essays. The common room was filled with laughter and mock groans of despair as each student lamented their fate under Snape’s critical eye.

"Listen to this one," Scorpius exclaimed, barely containing his laughter. "'If your potion was as strong as your conviction, we might have had something usable.' It’s like he can’t help but be dramatic about every little error!"

"‘This is a potion, Ms. Anderson, not a soup kitchen; measurements must be exact, not approximate!’ And here’s another, exclaimed Sarah, another 5th-year Slytherin, ‘If I wanted a potion this volatile, I’d have brewed it during a thunderstorm!’"

The room erupted in laughter, appreciating the typical Snape sharpness. Bran continued, chuckling, “And here he wrote, ‘I expect far more precision in this calculation, not the vague approximations suitable for Divination.’”

Scorpius, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes, added, “It’s like he sharpens his quill on a whetstone before marking our work.”

No one had escaped Professor Snape's critical eye. Curious, Bran turned to Albus, who was usually at the top of their class. "Let’s see yours, Al. Did you manage to please the mighty Severus Snape this time?"

Albus, with a resigned smile, displayed his essay. It, too, was covered in red ink, much to the surprise and delight of his friends. "Dad doesn’t go easy on me, either. If anything, he’s harsher with me to avoid showing favoritism," Albus explained.

Bran, eager to see what sort of comments Severus Snape would leave for his own son, grabbed the essay from Albus and started scanning the remarks. A burst of laughter escaped him as he read aloud, “‘This analysis is as shallow as a puddle in the Sahara. Expand further if you can muster the effort.’”

"Here’s another one," Scorpius pointed out, barely containing his laughter. "'If I wanted a potion this murky, I’d have brewed it in the Black Lake.'"

"And look at this one," added Bran. "‘Apparently, precision is a foreign concept to you. Remind me to explain its importance when you’re not brewing disasters.’ Professor Snape really doesn’t hold back, does he?"

Albus shrugged, a wry smile on his face. "He believes in constructive criticism, I guess."

"Constructive? More like destructive," joked Scorpius as they all laughed.

The group continued to peruse the essay, each comment sparking another round of laughter and disbelief at the strictness of their professor. Bran, who had been silently reading another section, looked up with a smirk. "Here’s another gem, 'I've seen more logical structure in a bowl of spaghetti than in your potion sequencing.' I mean, how does he even come up with these?"

Albus shrugged, grinning. "It’s a gift, I suppose. He has a knack for dramatics and precision."

David, still chuckling over a particularly savage comment about his imprecise stirring technique, turned to Albus with a curious look. "Does he actually enjoy this? I mean, grading our essays with such... dedication?" He paused, searching for the right word. "It seems like a lot of effort just to torment us."

Albus nodded, his expression fond as he thought about his Dad. "I think he does, in his own way. He’s meticulous because he cares—it's not just about pointing out our mistakes for the sake of it. He truly wants the best for everyone. Potions is his passion, and he takes it very seriously. Any mistake we make, he sees it as a learning opportunity, not just for us but for him as well, to be a better teacher."

Bran, flipping through his essay to find more of Snape’s comments, looked up. "But does he do anything else? I mean, does he have any hobbies? It seems like he's always working. With so many students across all the years, he must be swamped."

Albus thought for a moment, the image of his father working late into the night in his study coming to mind. "I think he might be a bit of a workaholic. But he does love reading—old potion manuscripts, magical theory. And he gardens a bit. It's his way to unwind, I guess."

Laughing, Albus continued, "But yeah, mostly, he’s dedicated to teaching. He wants us all to succeed, and he doesn’t let mistakes slide because he knows we can do better. It's his way of pushing us to improve."

"Seriously, Albus, he's always been brutal but it seems like he’s gotten even more ruthless since he got pregnant. Do you think it's the pregnancy hormones kicking in?" Scorpius asked, half-joking but also genuinely curious.

Albus laughed, shaking his head. "Oh, it's definitely gotten worse with the pregnancy. The pregnancy makes Dad crabby and even snarkier if that’s possible. This surprise pregnancy really threw him for a loop. He’s not exactly thrilled.”

The friends laughed, remembering Severus’s very public announcement that he was expecting twins. Albus continued, his tone turning slightly more affectionate as he spoke of his other father. “And if you think we’re getting the brunt of it with his remarks, you should see what poor Papa has to put up with at home."

“But how does your Papa handle it?” Maeve asked, her curiosity piqued.

Albus’s expression softened. “Papa is a saint, honestly. He has endless patience. No matter how snappy Dad gets, Papa just responds with cheer and humor. He knows exactly how to handle Dad.”

Scorpius leaned forward, eager for more. “Do you have any examples? What does he do?"

“Oh, plenty,” Albus replied with a grin. “Just last week, Dad was ranting about how uncomfortable he is and how the twins seemed to enjoy making his life difficult. He was really laying into it, you know? Papa just listened, nodding, and then, when Dad was done, he just quipped, ‘Well, at least your ability to complain is still in top form.’ Dad huffed and tried to stay mad, but I saw him smiling a bit. He can never stay truly angry at Papa."

“And another time,” Albus continued, “when Dad was fussing over his position on the couch for an hour because he couldn’t get comfortable, Papa finally just levitated Dad over the couch and joked, ‘There, now you can float until you’re happy.’ Dad couldn’t decide if he wanted to laugh or lecture him on the proper use of levitation charms.”

The energy in the Slytherin common room shifted as the study session wrapped up. Books closed, scrolls rolled up, and quills capped, the group of friends began to stretch and chatter about their plans. As they got ready to head to the Great Hall for dinner, the topic of the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend came up, sparking a buzz of excitement.

"Finally got a date with Marcella, huh?" Scorpius teased Albus as they walked towards the hall. "Took you long enough to ask her out."

Albus, couldn't help but grin. "Yeah, I did."

David nudged him playfully. "Look at Albus, all grown up and going on dates!" The group laughed, their teasing light-hearted and affectionate.

Scorpius, always ready with a teasing remark, chuckled. "What’s the plan? A romantic stroll around the Shrieking Shack?"

Albus laughed along with his friends, shaking his head. "Maybe not the Shrieking Shack, but definitely some Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks, and maybe we’ll check out some of the shops. She likes that new magical artifacts place."

Dinner passed with the friends making plans for their weekend in Hogsmeade, but as they talked, Albus checked his watch and sighed. "I’ve got to skip out on games tonight, guys. Remember, I have detention with Dad for sneaking out of school."

His friends snickered, "Only you could get detention with your own dad," Bran laughed as they parted ways.

Albus and Lily met up outside the Great Hall and walked together to Professor Snape’s classroom for their detention. Upon entering, they found Severus hunched over his desk, deeply engrossed in grading papers. He looked up, his gaze sharp and a bit reproachful. "You will both be cleaning cauldrons by hand tonight," he stated flatly.

Both siblings groaned in response, prompting a smirk from Severus. "Perhaps next time, you'll consider the consequences before gallivanting off. Or at least learn to be more discreet if you’re going to spy," he chided them dryly.

As they begrudgingly prepared for their punishment, the door swung open and in skipped Eileen, clad in bright yellow gloves and beaming as if she’d been invited to a party rather than detention. "I'm here for detention too!" she declared cheerfully.

Severus’s glare sharpened as he looked at his youngest. "This is not a party, Eileen. It’s meant to be a punishment."

Eileen, undeterred by her father’s admonishment, seemed thrilled at the prospect of joining her older siblings. "I know, Daddy! But it’s fun to help!"

Albus and Lily couldn’t help but snicker at their little sister’s antics, trading glances that mixed exasperation with affection. "Setting a new record, huh? Detention before even being in Hogwarts. That’s got to be a Potter first," Albus teased, ruffling her hair.

The three of them set to work on the cauldrons, scrubbing vigorously under Severus’s watchful eye. They had barely made a dent in their task when the door to the quarters opened again, and Harry poked his head in. His grin was wide as he took in the sight of his penalized progeny.

"You lot make quite the picture," Harry observed with a chuckle, his eyes crinkling in amusem*nt.

Severus turned to glare at his husband. "This is not a Potter party, Harry. It's supposed to be a punishment for them sneaking off and breaking rules and spying on us," he said, his voice carrying a mix of irritation and fatigue.

Harry just grinned wider, stepping fully into the room. "Oh, I know. But you have to admit, they’re rather adorable, even in detention."

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose, a clear sign of his growing frustration. "Harry, you're the worst. It's your doing, their mischievous natures. Remind me, who holds the record for the most detentions at Hogwarts?" he shot back, his eyes narrowing.

Harry laughed, a sound that filled the room with warmth. "Maybe so, but perhaps those detentions were just your secret way of spending more time with me back then," he suggested playfully.

At that, Severus's expression turned incredulous, his eyes bulged out, not at all amused by the comment. He was clearly in no mood for jokes, his day having been long and trying. With a flick of his wand, he pointed it at Harry. "Detention for you too, then. Join your children. Help clean."

"Sevvvvvy.....nooooo! I'm too old for detention!" Harry protested.

Severus shot him a look that could curdle milk. "You are most definitely not too old for detention. It's either help scrub cauldrons or sleep on the couch tonight."

Resigned but amused, Harry rolled up his sleeves and joined his children, turning the chore into an impromptu family event.

"Looks like I’m back in detention," Harry quipped as he picked up a scrubbing brush. "Best behavior, everyone. You don’t want to end up like me."

They scrubbed and chatted, their conversation filling the room with laughter and the occasional clanging of cauldrons. Severus, attempting to maintain some semblance of discipline, admonished them to quiet down, but Harry cheerfully ignored him, knowing full well that Severus secretly enjoyed the lively presence of his family.

As they worked, Harry caught up with Albus and Lily about their Quidditch practices and schoolwork, making the time pass quickly and enjoyably. After a couple of hours, the last cauldron was scrubbed clean, and Harry gave his kids high-fives. "That was the most fun detention I've ever had," he declared, "second only to answering Lockhart’s fan mail back in my second year."

The children chuckled, shaking their heads at their Papa's antics. Harry then sauntered over to Severus's desk, where Severus was still buried in grading. Nonchalantly sitting on the edge of the desk in front of his husband, Harry grinned. Severus looked up with a glare meant to be stern. "You're distracting me," he said flatly.

Undeterred, Harry leaned down and gave Severus a quick peck on the lips. "It's after 9, love. You can't be a workaholic all the time," he teased gently.

Severus and Harry locked eyes, an unspoken challenge passing between them. After a tense moment, Severus relented, setting his quill down with an exaggerated sigh. Harry pumped his fist triumphantly, turning to grin at the kids. "See? I won."

Severus, half-amused and half-exasperated, reached out to pinch Harry’s leg sharply, causing him to yelp in surprise. The kids burst into laughter, thoroughly enjoying the light-hearted banter between their parents.

With a final shake of his head, Severus turned to his children. "Albus, Lily, your detention is over. You're dismissed," he announced.

"Goodnight, Dad. Goodnight, Papa. Goodnight, Eileen," the two said, waving and smiling as they headed back to the Slytherin dorms.

Turning to Eileen, Severus softened considerably. "Time for bed, love. We’ll come tuck you in shortly."

Once Eileen had scampered off to the family quarters, Harry looked down at Severus with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Now that we're alone, we could have some fun," he suggested, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Severus snorted, unamused by the proposition, given his exhaustion. "We most certainly will not—I am much too tired for that."

Seeing the genuine fatigue on Severus’s face, Harry immediately ceased his teasing and hopped off the desk. He moved to assist Severus up from his chair, his actions gentle and caring. Severus tried to swat him away, stubbornly insisting on independence, but relented as Harry pulled him to his feet. His balance wavered slightly, the weight of his belly throwing him off.

"I'm getting more ungainly by the day," Severus muttered, a hint of frustration in his tone. "And it’s only going to get worse."

Harry responded with a soft kiss, "You’re doing brilliantly," he reassured Severus as they made their way back to their quarters.

Together, they tucked Eileen in, sharing a quiet moment with their youngest before saying goodnight. Once back in their bedroom, the couple prepared for bed.

As Severus collapsed onto the bed, the exhaustion of the day evident in every line of his body, Harry carefully maneuvered him to lie more comfortably. Once settled, Harry slid into bed beside him and pulled him into a gentle embrace, his hands beginning to rub Severus's back soothingly.

Severus let out a low groan, the tension beginning to ebb from his shoulders as he relaxed into the touch. He moved closer to Harry, sinking into the comfort that his husband's presence always provided.

As Harry's hands worked their magic, he began to reminisce, his voice soft and tinged with nostalgia. "Remember all those detentions I had with you? It seemed like you always knew exactly when I was up to no good."

Severus, his eyes closed, just grunted in response, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

Harry chuckled, continuing his gentle strokes. "You caught me almost every single time I was out of bed or stirring up mischief. I was probably your most troublesome student."

"Mmm," Severus muttered, not opening his eyes. "You were."

Harry's laughter filled the room again. "At least our children are much better behaved. Or at least sneakier than I ever was."

"What do you think the twins will be like?" Harry mused aloud, still gently massaging Severus's back.

"Mmm," Severus murmured noncommittally. "Trouble," he then said more firmly. "We lucked out with Albus, Lily, and Eileen. I can already tell we're in for it with the twins."

"That might be true," Harry agreed, his tone light. "But I love the chaos that is our life."

Severus snorted, a sound that conveyed both resignation and affection. "Of course, you do."

Harry continued his gentle ministrations until he felt Severus's breathing deepen, signaling he had fallen asleep. Harry paused, his hand resting lightly on Severus's back, feeling the rise and fall of his breathing. He looked down at his husband, a mix of concern and love in his eyes.

Harry was relieved that Severus was eating again and gaining the necessary weight, though the pregnancy was still clearly taking its toll. Severus's comfort was foremost in Harry's thoughts, and he felt a protective urge to do whatever he could to ease his husband's burden.

The crisp autumn air of Hogsmeade weekend brought with it an added thrill for Albus as he prepared for his first date with Marcella. The excitement was palpable as students gathered in the Great Hall, buzzing with anticipation and plans for the day. Albus spotted Marcella waiting near the entrance, her bright smile calming his jittery nerves.

He walked over to her, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. "Hey, Marcella," he greeted, his voice steadier than he felt.

"Hi, Albus! Ready for a fun day?" she responded cheerfully, linking her arm with his as they joined the line of students waiting to be checked off for the trip.

"Definitely," Albus smiled, grateful that his father, Severus, wasn't on duty to supervise the Hogsmeade trip this weekend. The thought of his Dad hovering nearby while he tried to navigate his first date was less than ideal.

As they made their way to the quaint village, conversation flowed easily. They discussed their OWL preparation and the subjects they found most challenging as well as their families.

"So, what's it like, having Harry Potter and Severus Snape as parents?" Marcella asked curiously as they ambled toward Hogsmeade.

Albus chuckled, a sound tinged with both fondness and a hint of resignation. "It’s never boring, that's for sure. Dad—Severus—can be quite strict, but he’s also incredibly protective and caring in his own way. And Papa, well, he’s a bit more laid-back, but together, they balance each other out."

Marcella nodded, her eyes wide with interest. "And the twins! That must be exciting and a bit scary?"

"Yeah, it’s a lot. I mean, there's going to be a huge age gap between me, Lily, Eileen, and the twins. It's going to be a big adjustment for everyone," Albus admitted. "Eileen is thrilled, though. She's always wanted more siblings close to her age, even if these will still be much younger."

"That sounds amazing, though. Always someone to talk to or hang out with," Marcella mused, her tone wistful. "I’m an only child, so the idea of a big family sounds really nice."

Albus smiled, feeling a pang of appreciation for his somewhat unconventional family. "It has its moments. And it’s going to get even livelier soon."

"It must be nice to have such a close family," Marcella said.

"It is," Albus agreed. "They can be a bit much sometimes, especially with the whole 'two of the most famous wizards as parents' thing, but at the end of the day, it’s pretty amazing."

Their conversation continued to flow as they reached Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, the chosen venue for their date. As they settled into the cozy shop, surrounded by chintzy decor and the scent of fresh tea, they talked about lighter topics, their favorite Quidditch teams, and plans for the future.

As they strolled back to the castle with candy in hand, their conversation drifted to school and their shared experiences as Perfects.

Back in the Slytherin common room, Scorpius greets Albus with an expectant look. "So, how did it go? The date?"

Albus drops into an armchair, grinning. "It was good. We talked a lot about family, school... the usual stuff. She's really easy to talk to."

Scorpius nodded, and then his expression turned serious. "We've got to start buckling down for OWLs soon. Ready to be buried under a mountain of books?"

Albus groaned playfully. "Yeah, let's do it. The more we prepare, the better, right?"

The quiet of a lazy Saturday afternoon enveloped Severus as he lay sprawled on the couch, a feeling of ungainliness accompanying his advanced pregnancy. At six months, the weight and size of his belly made even the simplest movements feel like monumental tasks. He had abandoned any pretense of grading papers, too exhausted to focus on anything more demanding than simply breathing.

Harry, seated nearby, shuffled through Ministry paperwork, though his attention was frequently drawn to Severus. He watched his husband with a mixture of concern and affection as Severus struggled to find a comfortable position, occasionally jotting down a note or signing off on a document before his gaze returned to him. Eileen was on the floor, her small hands moving deftly as she drew picture after picture, each more colorful than the last.

The unexpected sound of the door opening drew Severus's weary gaze. Albus and Lily entered their sudden appearance a delightful surprise. Severus's heart lifted at the sight of them, a smile tugging at his lips despite his fatigue.

"Hey, Dad!" Lily chirped as she breezed into the room, dropping a quick kiss on Severus’s cheek before joining Eileen on the floor, peering over her shoulder at her drawings.

Albus, more subdued, made his way to the couch, taking a seat at Severus's feet.

Noticing the stack of ungraded essays on the coffee table, he picked them up with a determined look. "I'll grade these," he declared, a hint of challenge in his voice.

Severus, amused and touched by the offer, couldn't help but protest. "Albus, that's not necessary. I'll get to them eventually.”

But Albus was insistent, his cheeks dimpling with a cheeky grin. "Dad, I am the son of a potions genius. I’ve gotten all Os in Potions, remember? I think I can handle first-year essays."

Severus's protests died down as he reclined back, watching his son take over a task he found increasingly cumbersome.

Harry, overhearing the exchange, looked up from his paperwork with a pout. "You know, I've offered to help grade those countless times, but you never let me touch them," he remarked, only half-joking.

Severus raised an eyebrow, a playful retort ready. "Albus is much better at Potions than you ever were. You didn’t exactly excel in the subject, Harry."

Harry chuckled, setting aside his work. "True, I only did well in sixth year because of you—well, your book, anyway." His eyes twinkled mischievously as he added, "Had quite the crush on the Half-Blood Prince back then. Brilliant guy, really."

Severus rolled his eyes at the compliment, a blush just noticeable on his cheeks. "I'm sure you did."

As the conversation flowed around him, Severus felt the weight of his exhaustion pulling him towards sleep. The voices of his family, the warmth of their presence, lulled him into a gentle doze.

Severus’s peaceful slumber was eventually broken by the distant, yet distinct, murmur of a debate that could only center around one of his family's favorite topics: Quidditch. As he blinked open his eyes, adjusting to the room again, he caught snippets of an animated debate about the latest Quidditch league standings and the upcoming matches.

Noticing Severus stirring, the family turned their attention towards him, their Quidditch debate momentarily paused. "Dad's awake!" Lily exclaimed, her face lighting up with joy.

Harry, Albus, Lily, and Eileen immediately shifted into what Severus affectionately termed 'mother hen mode,' fussing over him with a chorus of "Are you okay?" and "Do you need anything? Would you like some water? Or a pillow?"

Severus, slightly overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of attention, waved them off, a touch of irritation in his voice. "I'm perfectly capable of managing my own needs, thank you. And I'm not an invalid; I'm just pregnant," he grumbled, his tone edging on snarky as he attempted to rise from the couch.

The effort, however, was more challenging than he anticipated. As he struggled, the twins shifted inside him, pressing uncomfortably against his bladder, causing him to wince sharply.

"Let me help you, Severus," Harry offered, extending a hand, only to be met with a stubborn refusal.

"Really, I’m fine," he insisted. Eventually, on his feet and waddling towards the bathroom, Severus couldn’t help but grumble, "Overprotective Potters, the lot of you."

Upon his return, the family, sensing his need for a lighter atmosphere, switched the conversation to something more cheerful and speculative—baby names. It was a topic that invited everyone’s input, sparking a lively discussion about whether the twins would be boys, girls, or one of each. Like their previous pregnancies, Harry and Severus had chosen not to find out the genders, preferring the surprise.

"I think it’d be lovely to have two more sisters," Eileen declared with a hopeful smile.

"Girls are just better," Lily declared confidently, tossing her hair. "They're less trouble and more helpful around the house. Plus, we need more girls in the house!"

Eileen nodded vigorously in agreement, adding, "Yeah, if they’re boys, they’ll just turn the house upside down!" Eileen added, her voice filled with horror, thinking about the potential chaos.

Albus, feeling slightly outnumbered but undeterred, defended the idea of having brothers. "I'm already outnumbered here with sisters. It would be great to balance the scales a bit," he countered, his tone playful yet sincere. "Besides, boys are better! We're less drama and more fun."

The friendly banter continued, each sibling exaggerating the virtues of their preferred gender with humorous and sometimes absurd arguments. Harry and Severus watched, their faces lighting up with amusem*nt at the animated discussion.

Eventually, the children turned to their parents, eager to hear their thoughts. "What about you, Papa? Wouldn’t two little boys be fun?" Albus asked, looking hopefully at Harry.

Harry chuckled, clearly enjoying the debate. "Absolutely, two little boys running around would certainly liven things up even more."

Severus, however, shot Harry a glare, his brows knitting slightly. "Given the trouble one Potter child can cause," he said, casting a pointed look at his children, "I'm rather concerned about the mischief two might conjure up together."

"Whatever the case, we all know they’re going to be a handful," Harry concluded, his voice warm with the anticipation of new adventures with his expanded family.

The animated debate about the twins' possible genders took an unexpected turn when Lily pointed out a logistical issue. "No matter what, the numbers won't be even. There will either be more girls or more boys," she reasoned with a thoughtful frown.

Eileen, ever the optimist and not quite sensing the potential danger of her suggestion, chimed in innocently, "Well, we could always have another baby after the twins to try and even the numbers."

At this suggestion, Severus, who had just taken a sip of his tea, choked in surprise. The tea nearly spilled from his mouth as he coughed vehemently, the shock of the suggestion hitting him harder than the hot liquid. Harry, smirking at his daughter's audacity, patted Severus’s back soothingly, trying to help him catch his breath.

Once Severus regained his composure, he turned a stern, slightly exasperated glare toward Eileen, who looked back at him with wide, innocent eyes. “Let’s be very clear on one thing,” Severus started, his voice firm and leaving no room for arguments, “These twins are the absolute final addition to the Potter family. I am never—under any circ*mstances—going to be pregnant again. I am absolutely done, and no one is even allowed to think about adding more Potters.”

He paused, his gaze sweeping across his family, “Five children is more than I ever anticipated. I thought two was a reasonable number, and somehow that turned into five... it's just crazy. I don't know what happened.

Albus, unable to resist teasing his father, snickered and quipped, "What happened is that my parents are really into each other."

The room erupted in laughter, except for Severus, who just shook his head and shot a glare at his eldest son.

"Very funny," Severus deadpanned, his tone dry. "But seriously, no more. This family is quite large enough."

Harry, still chuckling, wrapped an arm around Severus's shoulders, pulling him close. "I think what Severus is trying to say, in his own charming way, is that our family is perfect as it is."

Severus relaxed slightly under Harry's touch, the earlier tension easing. "Indeed," he conceded with a small sigh.

As the family's conversation continued to flow, they moved on from the topics of names to everything from school achievements to the latest Quidditch match outcomes. Amidst the laughter and gentle teasing, Lily, with a mischievous glint in her eye, decided to stir the pot.

"So, Albus, how was your date?" she asked innocently, but with a tone that suggested she knew she was about to ignite a firestorm of family curiosity.

The immediate silence that followed was punctuated only by Albus's sudden intake of breath. Severus, caught off guard, straightened slightly, his sharp gaze flicking to his son, who was now determinedly avoiding everyone's eyes instead, finding the floor fascinating, his cheeks flaming with embarrassment. This was news to him; Albus hadn't mentioned any romantic interests.

Eileen, ever curious and lacking the subtlety of her older siblings, dove straight in. "Who? Who did you go on a date with?"

Albus shot Lily a glare that promised retribution before reluctantly addressing the room. "I'm not seeing anyone," he muttered, his denial doing nothing to quell the sudden surge of interest from his family.

But Lily, not to be deterred, sing-songed, "That's not what I heard," effectively throwing gasoline on the flames of family speculation.

Pressed by the collective pestering from his family, Albus finally relented with a heavy sigh, "Okay, okay. Yes, I went on a date during the last Hogsmeade weekend. With a girl from Ravenclaw."

Harry and Severus exchanged surprised looks, both of them processing this new piece of information about their eldest son. Eileen, blunt as ever, didn't miss a beat. "Did you kiss her?"

The question sent Albus into a deeper shade of red, his embarrassment palpable. "No, we did not kiss. It was just a date," he stammered, looking anywhere but at his family, wishing the couch would swallow him whole.

Harry, trying to offer support, chimed in with a grin. "You know, if you need any dating advice, your dad and I are more than happy to help.”

The suggestion only seemed to deepen Albus's mortification. He shot a glare at Harry, a mix of disbelief and mild indignation coloring his tone. “I really don't think you two would be the best at giving dating advice," he retorted, "Considering neither of you have much experience outside of each other. And Dad," he glanced at Severus with a cheeky smile, "you're... well, you're not exactly the smoothest when it comes to social situations. You can be, well… somewhat awkward.”

Severus's reaction was immediate; his eyebrows knitted together in a glare directed at Albus. "I am not awkward," he retorted sharply. "I'll have you know, I am perfectly capable of handling social situations that I deem worth my time," Severus responded, his tone dry.

The room erupted into laughter, the tension broken by the affectionate banter. Lily and Eileen giggled at the exchange while Harry grinned, wrapping an arm around Severus in solidarity. "Regardless of what you may think, Albus, we’re here for you, awkward advice and all."

Eileen, intrigued by her older brother's teasing, posed a question to their parents. "How did you two actually start dating?" Her curious eyes shifted between Harry and Severus, who exchanged a brief, somewhat uncomfortable look.

Albus, grateful for the diversion, didn't miss the opportunity to tease and turn the table on his parents. "Yeah, how did you two get together? I mean, considering that I was pretty much convinced before you were officially anything." He grinned mischievously, clearly enjoying the momentary discomfort he caused his parents.

Severus shot Albus a look that could curdle milk. "Insufferable brat," he muttered under his breath, though there was a hint of affection in his voice that belied the insult.

Harry, chuckling softly, decided to take the lead in answering. "Well, it's a bit of a story. Your Dad and I... we were friends first, and yes, there was a lot of history between us. Not all of it good," he began, his eyes meeting Severus's for a moment before continuing. "But despite everything, there was a strong attraction. Something that went beyond just friendship."

Severus shifted uncomfortably, but he didn't interrupt, his expression softening as Harry spoke.

Harry’s cheeks colored slightly as he delved into more personal details. "I was drawn to Severus long before I fully understood the depth of what it meant, even before I knew about the soulmate bond that connected us." He paused, his voice growing softer. "The night that led to Albus's conception was unexpected but ended up being the best surprise of my life."

He smiled warmly at Severus, who allowed a small smile to flicker across his face.

"That night was what we needed," Harry continued, his hand finding Severus's and squeezing gently. "It nudged us to finally accept our feelings for each other, to really acknowledge and embrace what we were to each other. It wasn't conventional, but then, nothing about us ever has been."

Eileen, wide-eyed and full of curiosity, leaned in closer. "But how did you know you loved each other?”

Severus sighed, a soft smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he glanced at Harry. "It wasn't one moment, but many," Severus began, his voice softer than usual. "It's the small things, like how Harry would make sure I was never without my favorite tea during late-night grading sessions, or how he listened—truly listened—when I spoke about my passions and fears.

Harry nodded in agreement, taking Severus's hand in his own. "And for me, it was the trust Severus placed in me, sharing parts of himself that he kept hidden from the rest of the world. It was the realization that I couldn't imagine my life without him in it."

Lily, ever the romantic, sighed dreamily. "That's so sweet."

Eileen, considering her parents' words, smiled. "So, love is about understanding and trust, and sometimes a bit of adventure?”

"Exactly," Severus confirmed, his gaze softening as he looked at his children. "And it's about choosing to be with that person every day, through the good times and the bad."

"Yes," Harry added. "It was the realization that life without the other would be unimaginably lesser. Our bond as soulmates might have drawn us together, but it was our choices, our actions, that truly sealed our fate."

Eileen smiled, momentarily satisfied by her curiosity. "I want a love story like that one day."

Severus and Harry exchanged a look, a silent communication passed between them—a mixture of amusem*nt and love.

"Well, for now, let's focus on less... er, romantic endeavors," Severus suggested, shifting the topic.

As the afternoon wore on, Severus reclined on the couch, enjoying a foot and ankle massage from Harry, who seemed equally pleased to be providing some relief. Severus shifted slightly, a hand absentmindedly resting on his belly. The twins were notably active.

Feeling another kick, Severus called out over the rustle of papers and quills scratching on parchment. "Would any of you like to feel the twins kick?" he asked.

At his invitation, the kids’ heads shot up from their textbooks, their expressions lighting up with excitement. They eagerly gathered around Severus, their faces alight with curiosity and excitement. One by one, they gently placed their hands on Severus’s swollen belly, expressions of awe appearing on their faces as they felt the lively movements of their soon-to-be siblings.

"It feels so strange," Lily murmured, her eyes wide with wonder. "Does it hurt when they kick like that?" Lily asked, her voice tinged with concern as she felt a particularly strong nudge against her palm.

Severus chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Not really—it's more uncomfortable than painful. It's a strange feeling, but it's also kind of wonderful," he explained, his hand coming to rest over his belly, feeling the movements along with his children.

As the children took turns feeling the twins move, Severus shared a bit of nostalgia. "You know, Albus was the calmest baby of you all. Barely made any fuss," he remarked, giving Albus a fond look.

"But Lily," he said, turning his gaze to his daughter with a teasing sparkle in his eye, "You were a nightmare. Always on the move. Kept me up at all hours of the night," Severus recounted, a wry smile playing on his lips. "And Eileen wasn’t much better."

Lily pouted playfully, then giggled. "Was I really that much trouble?"

"Indeed, you were, but all of you were worth every sleepless night," Severus said, his tone softening.

The conversation then turned back to the twins. "How are these two compared to us?" Albus asked, curious about his soon-to-be siblings.

Severus sighed a hint of fatigue in his voice. "These two are constantly moving, never still. Much to my annoyance," he admitted. "It seems they take after Lily and Eileen in that regard."

As the afternoon turned into evening, the Potter family kitchen came alive with the sounds and smells of dinner being prepared, a symphony of chaotic but joyful effort. Severus, under strict instructions from the rest of the family, not to overexert himself, had been relegated to peeling potatoes at the table. From his vantage point, he watched as the kitchen transformed into a whirlwind of activity.

Lily manned the stove and stirred a pot on the stove, her concentration being absolute. Albus was carefully cutting vegetables, his brow furrowed in focus. Harry, the conductor of this culinary orchestra, flitted between tasks, adding ingredients and offering guidance. Eileen, perhaps the most enthusiastic of all, was mixing a salad, her small arms working vigorously.

As they finally sat down to enjoy the fruits of their collective labor, the atmosphere was one of warmth and contentment. However, it wasn't long before Severus's unique meal combinations caught the attention of his children. With an experimental flair, he mixed and matched his food in ways that defied culinary convention, his current pregnancy cravings dictating his palate.

Albus, Lily and Eileen watched, a mixture of horror and fascination on their faces, as Severus added pickles to mashed potatoes and poured gravy over his salad. The pause in conversation drew Severus's attention, and he looked up to find his family staring at him. A hint of embarrassment colored his cheeks as he realized his unusual eating habits had become a spectacle.

Harry, noticing Severus's discomfort, quickly came to his defense. "Sev is just experiencing cravings, kids. It's completely normal during pregnancy. Believe it or not, what he's mixing together now is quite tame compared to what he wanted when he was pregnant with each of you.”

At this, Severus shot Harry a look that could only be described as mortified but resigned to his fate.

Harry, undeterred, continued, much to Severus's chagrin. "Oh, you wouldn't believe some of the combinations. Your father once sent me out at midnight in search of chocolate-covered sardines when he was pregnant with Albus. And with Lily, it was ice cream with pickled onions.”

Lily grimaced at the thought while Albus looked equal parts amused and appalled. "And don't forget the time he insisted on eating peanut butter with steak during Eileen's pregnancy," Harry added, chuckling at the memory.

The children's expressions ranged from fascinated to slightly disgusted, Lily's nose wrinkling at the thought. “Did you really eat those things, Dad?”

Severus, attempting to reclaim some dignity, replied dryly, "Pregnancy does strange things to one's palate. Your father, being the saint he is, indulged these peculiar cravings without complaint."

Albus, trying to wrap his head around the concept, added, "I guess it's a good thing those cravings didn't stick around."

Eileen, ever the optimist, piped up, "Maybe the twins will make Dad crave something really good, like chocolate cake all the time!"

A Happier Life - Chapter 69 - bridgy - Harry Potter (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.