Broccoli Salad with Bacon & Cheddar | Best Broccoli Salad Recipe (2024)

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posted by Crissy Pageon Apr 9, 2017 (updated Jan 19, 2024) 29 comments »

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This broccoli salad with bacon and cheddar has it all, folks. Every bite is packed with flavor, and the combination of sweet, tangy, crunchy and creamy gives makes this broccoli salad recipe so very delicious.

I mean, come on. Look at this big bowl of yum!

Broccoli Salad with Bacon & Cheddar | Best Broccoli Salad Recipe (1)

Broccoli Salad with Bacon & Cheddar

One of my main gripes with most broccoli salad recipes is the inclusion of raisins.

I don’t want to offend any of you raisin fans out there, but raisins just aren’t really my favorite dried fruit, which is weird, because I actually really adore grapes. It’s just one of those funny food aversions that I carried with me from childhood and can’t seem to shake.

It’s funny, because any time I see a bowl of broccoli salad at a carry-in I sort of steer clear of it due to the raisins.

RELATED: Don’t miss my incredible sweet coleslaw recipe and my over-the-top loaded potato salad.

While you can certainly use raisins in this broccoli salad with bacon and cheddar, I strongly prefer dried cranberries. In fact, I kind of LOVE dried cranberries in salads, so it just made so much sense to use them in this fantastic broccoli salad with bacon and cheddar recipe.

Broccoli Salad with Bacon & Cheddar | Best Broccoli Salad Recipe (2)

Every single ingredient in this recipe is doing a job. There are no fillers in this broccoli salad, and the ingredients list is really just a big list of my all-tim favorite foods, all perfectly mixed-up in one bowl.

Broccoli Salad with Bacon & Cheddar | Best Broccoli Salad Recipe (3)

I really like making this broccoli salad with bacon and cheddar as a potluck dish because it’s so pretty and colorful.

It’s also great for carry-ins because it’s not prone to get soggy in a hurry. When I’m transporting this dish, I sometimes put my crumbled bacon in a plastic bag and them mix it in right before serving so it’s as crispy as possible.

Broccoli Salad with Bacon & Cheddar | Best Broccoli Salad Recipe (4)

Oh, and that bacon! I don’t want to skip discussing the fact that the bacon really takes this broccoli salad to a whole new level. Everything is better with bacon, and it really makes this recipe quite special.

I hope you enjoy my tasty broccoli salad with bacon and cheddar recipe!

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Broccoli Salad with Bacon & Cheddar | Best Broccoli Salad Recipe (5)
Broccoli Salad with Bacon & Cheddar | Best Broccoli Salad Recipe (6)

Yield: 6-8 servings

Additional Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes

This sweet and delicious broccoli saladis easy to make and loaded with flavor and crunch.


  • 1 lb. broccoli about 4 cups, cut into florets
  • 6 slices cooked bacon, crumbled
  • 1/4 cup chopped red onion, diced
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 4 ounces sharp cheddar, cut into small cubes
  • ½ cup chopped walnuts
  • 1 cup real mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a large bowl mix together the broccoli, crumbled bacon, onion, cranberries, cheese and the walnuts.
  2. In a small bowl stir together the mayonnaise, vinegar and the sugar. Add to the broccoli mixture and gently stir. Chill and serve.

originally published on Apr 9, 2017 (last updated Jan 19, 2024)

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29 comments on “Broccoli Salad with Bacon & Cheddar”

  1. Kim Reply

    Just curious if a person could use frozen broccoli (thawed) in place of fresh? Or would that change the crispness of the salad?

    I live in a remote northern community and access to fresh QUALITY produce is limited so I often have to use frozen. I miss having fresh salads more often.

    • Crissy Page Reply

      Hi, Kim, I would not recommend frozen broccoli for this recipe. I would really only use frozen in dishes that will be cooked.

  2. Judy Reply

    Hello, do you lightly cook the broccoli?

    • Crissy Page Reply

      No, it’s raw! :)

  3. Dorothy Reply

    I made this recipe exactly as posted. Everyone loved it! It’s definitely a keeper. Thank you!

  4. Randi Reply

    We love this recipe sooo much. I used 1/8 cup of Splenda instead of sugar. I used 3/4 cup of low fat mayo and skipped the walnuts. I added 1 1/2 tsp extra of the vinegar. It was perfect for our taste buds. Thanks for a great recipe.

  5. Lanie Reply

    U guess it would be good with turkey bacon or chicken? What is your opinion? We can not eat pork. If I double the recipe would it feed 16-18 people?

  6. Bonnie Reply

    Can I add Colby & Sharp Cheddar cheese together in the broccoli salad?

  7. Darla Reply

    Is there something I can substitute for the Mayo? A dressing? Yogurt?
    Every recipe I’ve come across has it and, because of my own childhood aversion, I can’t stomach the stuff…unless it’s hidden really, really well.

    • Terri Reply

      You might try a poppyseed dressing

      Rating: 5

  8. Kay Bruce Reply

    I add chopped roasted chicken and this becomes a meal, easy to pack for tailgates and lunches too! Now a frequently used recipe.?

    Rating: 5

    • Crissy Page Reply

      Kay what a GREAT IDEA!!

  9. Annemarie Reply

    This is amazing! My entire family loved it!

    Rating: 5

  10. Pete, female Reply

    You could always sub craisins for the raisins, same thing but craisins have a different taste altogether. The salad sounds very good.

  11. Janelle Reply

    This salad is so good!!!

    Rating: 5

  12. Amanda Reply

    I love this salad and so does everyone else, always. Even my mom who doesn’t like broccoli! My sister in law has been making it for 20+years but since she moved to Australia and I needed the recipe at short notice, I was very happy to find exactly the right one. I put a bit of apple cider vinegar in to give it more zing. Delicious, thanks for sharing.

    Rating: 5

  13. Kris Cooper Reply

    I made this but with my own Keto twist, it was amazing…

    Rating: 5

  14. Marian Lakin Reply

    I made this with stevia instead of sugar. It was delicious!

    Rating: 5

  15. Kimberly Mate Reply

    Super easy and delicious!

    Rating: 5

  16. Hcollver Reply

    Can I substitute white wine vinegar for the white vinegar?

  17. Lauren Reply

    Making this for a party this weekend! Can I make it a day ahead?

    • Crissy Reply


  18. Pam Reply

    Made this Alan tonight and it was wonderful. Everyone loved it. I did use shredded cheese and add a teaspoon of celery seed. Will definitely use this again.

  19. Lauren Reply

    Could I make this a day ahead of time without everything getting soggy?

  20. Linda Lou Reply

    I’ve made this salad without the cheese — Why hadn’t I thought of putting cheddar cheese in there ?? LOLAnd I let my lazy bone kick in and use Marie’s salad dressing. But I agree with you … prefer cranberries and love taking this to a pot luck !

    Rating: 5

  21. Tracy Reply

    This was very good. Everyone enjoyed it

    Rating: 5

  22. Caroline Reply

    I never thought of making salad with broccoli. Looks delicious.

  23. Helen Wilson Reply

    The salads look delicious and I can’t wait to try them. Like you, I do not care for raisins so this will be perfect with the dried cranberries.

  24. Carla Jo Peterson Reply

    Thank you so very much for these salad recipes. We love them.

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Broccoli Salad with Bacon & Cheddar | Best Broccoli Salad Recipe (2024)


Why do you blanch broccoli for salad? ›

🥄 How to Make Broccoli Salad

Blanching keeps the broccoli firm but the taste will be a little less “raw” and it also sets the pretty green color. This is an optional step, but I think it's really worth doing. To blanch the florets, bring a large pan of water to a boil. Add the broccoli florets and cook for 1 minute.

How to dice broccoli for salad? ›

To chop broccoli for a salad, start by separating the florets from the stalks. Use a sharp knife to cut off the florets, leaving some stem attached. Then, chop the florets into bite-sized pieces. For the stalks, trim off the tough ends and slice them into thin rounds or julienne them, depending on your preference.

How to make brocoli salad? ›

Whisk together mayonnaise, cider vinegar and honey. Toss salad ingredients with dressing: Combine broccoli florets, almonds, crumbled bacon, chopped onion, and peas in a large serving bowl. Add dressing to the salad and toss to mix well.

What are the four 4 components of salad? ›

The basic parts of a salad are the base, the body, the garnish, and the dressing.

What happens if you don't blanch broccoli? ›

You may find that frozen broccoli that hasn't been blanched doesn't have as good of a taste or texture in recipes. However, it's usually fine in soups and stews, especially blended soups where it's not as crucial to have florets with a specific texture.

How long to boil broccoli? ›

Break apart the florets. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add the broccoli florets and cook, uncovered, until tender, 2 to 3 minutes depending on the size of the florets. Drain into a colander, transfer to a plate, sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve with lemon wedges.

Do I need to wash broccoli before blanching? ›

Before you cook or eat fresh broccoli, be sure to clean it to remove dirt, pesticides, and even bugs. You can wash your broccoli quickly and easily with water or a vinegar solution, and you can remove cabbage worms from the florets with a salt water solution.

How to prepare broccoli step by step? ›

Place 3/4 to 1 inch of water in a saucepan with a steamer and bring to a boil. (Note that if you don't have a steamer, you can simply put the broccoli directly into an inch of boiling water.) Add broccoli, steam 5 to 6 min: Add the broccoli to the steamer and cover; reduce heat to medium and let cook for 5-6 minutes.

What are the ingredients in broccoli? ›

Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamins C, K, and A. It also contains several important minerals, such as potassium, calcium, and iron. Broccoli contains several antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, β-carotene, and various flavonoids [12,13].

What is a common ingredient in salad? ›

Most leafy vegetables that can be eaten raw are used: all varieties of lettuce, garden cress and watercress, endives, cabbage, spinach, escarole, romaine (cos), arugula, and fresh herbs. Other vegetables, raw or cooked—tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, peppers, beets, and so on—may garnish the green salad.

What does broccoli contain? ›

Broccoli is high in many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and potassium.

What are the components of salad ingredients? ›

Base: usually a layer of salad greens that line the plate or bowl in which the salad will be served. Body: consists of the main ingredients. Garnish: enhances the appearance while also complementing the overall taste; must be edible. Salad dressings: are liquids or semi-liquids used to flavor salads.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.