Eierpunsch (German Egg Punch) - Recipes From Europe (2024)

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Move Over, Eggnog, Eierpunsch Is Here For the Holidays!

Searching for another delicious, egg-based festive drink? Eierpunsch – or Egg Punch, in German – is for you!

Made with delicious Eierlikör (egg liqueur) and white wine, this warm beverage is also sweet and fragrant with notes of cinnamon and vanilla.

Eierpunsch can be finished off with whipping cream and a cinnamon stick for an extra festive look!

Eierpunsch (German Egg Punch) - Recipes From Europe (1)

Some people call Eierpunsch a “German-style eggnog”. While we can see the comparison – both are made from a similar base of egg yolks and sugar – egg punch is made with wine while eggnog is made with milk.

In any case, both holiday drinks are delicious and go well with German holiday cookies!

We really like Eierpunsch because it reminds us of traveling through German around Christmas time. Lisa is a big fan of egg punch – she often orders it when we are wandering German Christmas markets.

Eric is more of a gluhwein kind of guy but we often share drinks and other Christmas market foods. This way, we get to experience all the smells and tastes the markets have to offer!

Eierpunsch (German Egg Punch) - Recipes From Europe (2)

It’s actually really easy to make egg punch at home. The only potentially tricky part of getting the egg liqueur. Eierlikor is big in Europe but less frequently found in North America.

That said, you can sometimes find it in-store as Bols Advocaat (a Dutch egg liqueur). In case you can’t find it in-store, we have an egg liqueur recipe on the site so you can easily make your own!

It’s really not hard to make the egg liqueur from scratch – all you need are a few eggs, some rum, and some sugar.

Eierpunsch (German Egg Punch) - Recipes From Europe (3)

When you make eierpunsch, you can easily modify the sweetness by changing the sugar and/or picking a different wine.

You can also modify the alcohol content by adding more wine or substituting some of the wine for orange juice.

Another consideration for some is that the egg liqueur (depending on where you get it or if you make it) contains raw egg.

Egg punch is heated on the stovetop so while you might be worried about salmonella, heating the egg punch to over 160 degrees Fahrenheit is a good way to reduce this risk.

Once it’s made on the stovetop, serve it immediately because it’s best served hot. You can definitely store egg liqueur (one of the ingredients for egg punch) in the fridge.

However, we recommend that you only make the amount of egg punch that you actually need. It just tastes best fresh.

A classic German holiday drink, Eierpunsch – or egg punch – is a delicious hot treat. Made with egg liqueur and wine, Eierpunsch is sweet, creamy, and cinnamony. Topped off with whipping cream, this festive drink is sure to liven up the holiday time!

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Prep Time: 7 minutes minutes

Total Time: 7 minutes minutes

Servings: 5


  • 2 cups Egg Liqueur, see notes
  • 1 bottle semi-dry white wine, 750 ml
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • sugar to taste, optional
  • whipped cream, optional


  • Heat the egg liqueur and the white wine in a pot on the stove while whisking.

  • Add the vanilla extract, cinnamon, and sugar (optional). Keep whisking until the mixture is heated and there is a white foam that has formed at the top.

  • Once heated serve immediately. You can decorate your Eierpunsch with whipped cream, ground cinnamon, or a cinnamon stick before serving.


  • Egg Liqueur can sometimes be difficult to find in North America. But with our German Egg Liqueur recipe, you can easily (and quickly) make your own at home.
  • If you want slightly less alcohol in your egg punch, you can reduce the amount of wine by 1/3 and add one cup of orange juice instead.
  • We like making Eierpunsch with semi-dry wine. However, if you want your drink to be very sweet, you can use sweet wine instead. At the same time, if you want it less sweet, you can use a dry white wine. We wouldn’t opt for the cheapest wine you can find but since you are mixing the wine with egg liqueur, we wouldn’t choose the highest-quality wine, either. Just opt for a decent quality wine in a medium price range.


Serving: 1g | Calories: 295kcal | Carbohydrates: 8g | Protein: 12g | Fat: 10g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 6g | Cholesterol: 362mg | Sodium: 146mg | Sugar: 5g

This nutritional information has been estimated by an online nutrition calculator. It should only be seen as a rough calculation and not a replacement for professional dietary advice.

Course Drinks

Cuisine German

Author Recipes From Europe

Eierpunsch (German Egg Punch) - Recipes From Europe (2024)
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