Free Recipe @ Chamorro Food: Poto (Desserts) (2024)

Poto: Submitted by: Maria P. Dydasco | Date Added: 31 Dec 2009
Listed in: Desserts
Free Recipe @ Chamorro Food: Poto (Desserts) (1)

1 small bag rice flour
1 pkg yeast
1 cup beer (any kind)
1 cup sugar
3 cup water

Free Recipe @ Chamorro Food: Poto (Desserts) (2)

1. Mix above ingredients beat with electric beater.
2. Let is stand in a poto pan for 10 minutes to raise.
3. Steam for 10 minutes.

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Free Recipe @ Chamorro Food: Poto (Desserts) (3)

Visitor Comments (31):

it just says mix above ingredients with electric beater, I myself made this but Yeast and beer don't go hand in hand in one bowl right away..I have made this with success with numerous failure & if I can be of some help.. its a bit tricky to make but I found Rice flour from the bag ((red and white label)) is the best if used, and the beer is typically used like right before you put in the mold, after the yeast has poof for about a good 15 min.. I am not a pro nor am I expert I just make this dish often using this recipe since they posted it.. of course 1st timers will mess up but part of messing up is to TRY AGAIN. don't give up Big TIP* make sure you cover your STEAMER with a towel any moister will destroy your potu, I know good potu, growing up on GUAM and moving to the states, everyone has a different taste to everything but the subs aren't bad nor are they the best but ITS WORKABLE as Renee said, I do Enjoy making this for my family and when I do make it, its normally gone. Kudos to Mrs. Dydasco for sharing her reciepe Left by: FrancesAnn (11 Apr 2013)

Wow everyone on here that states this is not original chamorro recipe. Remember most foods from the island were broguht in by immigrants. Potu or Puto or bun is originally from Asia. If you are going to be critical of a recipe and say this is not right then provide correct recipe in your comment. Remember the islands are about family and spreading kindness to all people. Those with negative comments are not real chamoru's. You may be of blood, but your spirit is of mainland. Left by: james (9 Apr 2013)

My mom is one of the best cooks and bakers on Guam and sought after by Governors and other people for her cooking. Her potu is the best, but that's just me. That being said, she will never put down anyone's recipe. She's always told me to use my common sense when cooking. If you don't have the right ingredients, improvise. We Chamorus who live outside of Guam and the Marianas for whatever reason need to keep our culture and love of Chamoru alive. Our food is one of the greatest ways of showing off how proud we are to be Chamoru. This recipe is just different, that's all. If you can tell me where to get tuba in the middle of nowhere's-ville in the states, then I'll be more than willing to try to get the taste as close to the "real thing" as I possibly can. I understand the pride in our local favorites but Ms. Dysasco has done people a favor with sharing this recipe. That's a big deal cause I know my mom and other great cooks or bakers in my family don't give out their recipes. I'm probably sure that Ms. Dydasco hasn't fully given the true recipe here either because we are tight with our family cooking traditions. You may be right that this isn't the "real" local deal, but she is right for expanding the culture and taste of our proud Chamoru people. Left by: Joe (Apu) (9 Jan 2013)

Yes it is not authentic but like most of the readers mentioned, if we had sweet tuba in the states we would use it. Why do we have to be ugly, this recipe. I say thank you Maria D. What do you say Cruz family. This food came from our ancestors. You all did not create this dessert. I have tried the Poto back home and this version does not spoil as quickly. Well said those of you who are Positive Peggys. Negative Nancys all I can say is be happy life is tooooooo short. Si Yuus maase, Adios. Left by: Bennet (9 Dec 2012)

I have yet to try this recipe. Mr. Ike Rosario commented that beer works great for the substitution for Tuba. However, I had purchased a few fresh manha from the Asian store one day (white fibrous shell, a shaped cone or triangular top and is wrapped in plastic wrap). Took my machete and cutting board and hacked away at the sides to create a small opening to drain the manha juice. I placed the reserve juice in the refrigerator (later use) for several days and this is by "accident". When I started to use it I think after the 4th day, the juice started to ferment a little and it tasted like sweet tuba. Believe it or not. So the longer it sits in the refrigerator it will eventually turn into the vinegar stage. Hope this helps anyone in the mainland wanting Tuba. Left by: Francine (6 Aug 2012)

I APOLOGIZE if I had offended anyone. I Gave the recipe a try for myself. (MANY TIMES)..And after tweeking it a bit, and some adjustments...It turned out pretty well. my grandmother is the one everyone here is talking about...THE CRUZ FAMILY POTO...And I know everyone was saying if its sooo much better, share the recipe...but unfortunately, she never measured anything....we all know how to make it..but it requires alot of time, equipment, and a very good eye. lol...she is still alive today...and her legacy will always live within us all, (her grands)...try the recipe. It's good. Thankyou Mrs. Dydasco for sharing Left by: leslie CRUZ rugante (26 Jul 2012)

My comment was made back in April and just now I'm getting a response from someone. But yet my question wasn't even answered would really like to know the exact ingredients on making and preparing the poto the the correct way not just throw everything in a bowl and start mixing what else is there to do water temp. what size rice flour and all. Please reply if possible. Thank you. Left by: Tommy Taijeron (24 Jul 2012)

OMG is right! Potu is the most sought after chamorro dessert in any chamoro party, but not everyone is able to produce it to perfection. Some make it great, some "so-so", others can make it better, but guess what? If potu is brought to a party, it is the first dessert gone! I am originally from Hawaii & I know all about substituting certain ingredients just to make our Hawaiian dishes taste like back home. My father is from Guam & I know how to eat my chamorro dishes from him. I am blessed to have both parents from the islands who taught me how to cook my dishes when I left home to be stationed overseas & the mainland. I have met all types of people with diverse cultures & adopted some of their cooking into my own. We share recipes & of course everyone would change a few ingredients to match their own tastes. To each his own. The idea is to share a recipe that you enjoy & pass it on if it is not a "secret" family recipe. This is to enable others to enjoy the wonderful food of your culture. This is the first time I have commented on a site, because of "da best" attitude I see from the family that had "slaved" over producing the "authentic" potu. Kudos to you & all the hard work you had put into producing & distributing potu to the community/villages. They do appreciate it. BUT, to have the audacity to put someone down for sharing a "substitute" recipe for others to enjoy is uncalled for! My father also gave me this substitute recipe when I left home since the Asian stores does not carry certain ingredients that I need. It works. Not as great as the authentic way, but we enjoy it the same. I had to comment on this when marley mentioned "daphne" not being chamorro. Be helpful or don't comment at all. Asian-Pacific Islanders know how to party & share our cooking techniques with everyone. I am currently residing in NC & we have several chamorros from different states (VA, GA, SC to name a few) as wells as Guam to come down & celebrate Liberation Day on Fort Bragg. They bring along friends to enjoy this special occasion. Their friends are impressed with the amount of food that is served that they come back year after year. The entertainment is awesome also. Sorry, that this comment is sooooo long, but I wanted everyone to know how helpful any type of recipe given on any site for those that are far away from home is. Mahalo for your time & keep adding new recipes! Left by: Renee (nee Meno) (14 Jun 2012)

I was so excited to see the recipe online. I have been here in the state for almost ten years and dying to make some or should I say eat some. I have made this recipe and failed miserably about three times. It's a blessing that someone out their is willing to share this recipe . But for some reason its not turning out right. Left by: arlene (29 Apr 2012)

first time maker and it is not coming out right. Pls help? Left by: Tommy (27 Apr 2012)

Do you use warm water in the mix and what size rice flour do you use a 8oz 16oz or 24 oz???
Left by: Tommy (27 Apr 2012)

Daphne you don't know chamorro..i mean daphne isn't even chamorro ! Left by: marLey (11 Mar 2012)

OMG!!!! Negative comments that are coming from some chamorros are just too condesending!!! We should be all be ashamed of ourselves living here in the mainland, we use what we have it's called "IMPROVISING" I know that we should all know where we came from & be proud to be chamorro. We are all our brother's keeper & whatever recipes that is shared is very thoughtful & caring. Never mind who has the best recipe, it's taking care of your own people..... Left by: Juanita Rosario Angel (25 Feb 2012)

Thank youto the Cruz Family for years of delicious potu. But I have to appreciate anyone who passes on their Chamorro recipes for those of us who want to carry on our heritage but live on the mainland. Left by: SSalas (21 Feb 2012)

This is to post recipes not criticize and make rude remarks.Cruz family may make the best for you all but not everyone cooks the same and not all have taste buds lime you do. If its not for you don't make and please don't criticize.munga ma sangani I taotao NA ti mangge I famatinasnia sa to bunitu enao NA klasse. My spelling may be off but I tried I'm only 19. Left by: 670 (11 Dec 2011)

Where do you get potu pan? What else can we use to substitute potu pan. Left by: DELILAH (28 Jun 2011)

I now live in the mainland and being away from home (Guam) I try to cook as much Chamorro food as possible. Kudos to you for knowing how to make POTO! Does anyone know how to make "Sugar Donuts"? Left by: Esther Leon Guerrero (10 Feb 2011)

I have yet to try the recipe provided by Ms. Dydasco, however, I would like to thank her for taking the time to share her recipe. I spent my first 30+ years on Guam and poto is my favorite chamorro dessert (My mom used to always order poto from the Cruz Family). I have a few Chamorro cookbooks, unfortunately none of them have the recipe for poto and I haven't been able to find the recipe online until now. I'll definitely give it a try. "Thank you Maria P. Dydasco". Left by: Patricia (15 Jan 2011)

CA do you use regular yeast? And what temp do you steam it at? I am such a newbie trying recipes from back home and its hard to feel confident enough when recipes are vague. Especially when there's no one for you to watch make it lol. Left by: vc from WA (12 Jan 2011)

Hi, Leslie Rugante. I'm glad to know that your grandmother makes the best potu. However, would it be possible to share how to make it. I was born and raised on Guam and this comes first on my list for desserts, then custard pie and letiya. I hope to hear from you. Here is my email: Thank You...... Left by: Wilson R. Lucero (30 Dec 2010)

CA is right. We shouldn't post negative comments and instead, share our experience and exchange recipes on how to make potu. I'm going to give Ms Dydasco's recipe a try and hope it turns out as good as fpangelinan. This will be my first time to make it. However, I would still like to hear from the Cruz family on how to make the potu. I' believe in keeping my mother and grandmothers recipe alive for generations so I share their recipes to family and friends. The Chamorro people are kind, friendly and generous at heart with strong family bonds. Let's do our best and stick together. Ms Dydasco, thank you for sharing your recipe no matter what others may think and say negative. At least, you were kind enough to think about those that want to learn how to make potu. Left by: Wilson R. Lucero (30 Dec 2010)

WOW since when did we become such haters??? I thought comments are for what you thought of the recipe AFTER you have made it and tried it....not for posting such negative comments. I have tried this recipe and it comes pretty close to the real thing. And believe it or not but it DOES look like the picture posted. Of course it is NOT the original poto made from home and I am sure Ms Dydasco did not claim it to be ... Sooo why not share the right way to make poto then? I sure would like to try your recipe...but I have made it this way and it is fine...everyone loved it!!!!! Oh and please let us know where you can find tuba...thank you..... Left by: CA (17 Nov 2010)

I love the cruz family potu. unfortunately I live in the mainland and have no access to it:(. If you would be so kind to post the recipe, I will not use it to make any money, potu is my kids favorite!!!! Left by: fpangelinan (17 Oct 2010)

Where can I get the actual recipe to make potu. Potu is my favorite desert while growing up in Guam. If the Cruz Family has a better potu recipe, can you please send it to me. Thank you
Left by: Wilson R. Lucero (11 Oct 2010)

I'd use tuba if one can find some here in the states....otherwise, recipe is worth a try. Left by: Yuban (3 Oct 2010)

I agree w/Mike Cruz, Jing & Leslie.... The best Chamorro Poto is from the one and only ~CRUZ FAMILY~ OMG the very best, awesome, I use to go there to p/u our orders back in the days for the fiesta's... Miss and Love that real chamorro potu from the Cruz family.. Thank you Cruz family !! Left by: BCruz (11 Aug 2010)

Mrs. Dydasco this is not the correct recipe for Potu. Or correct spelling,you are chamorro spell it right. You never use yeast to rise it. yes Tuba or beer is correct way but not yeast. And when you give recipe you have to give the correct rice flour. You can't just make potu with anyking of rice flour you need to know the brand name is it white, brown, long grain, or short grain. Left by: jing (11 Jul 2010)

Great receipe. Since we have no tuba here in the states, the beer substitute is perfect. Almost like real chamoru poto. Love it. Left by: Ike Rosario (1 Jul 2010)

Trust me! This is NOT the right way to make chamorro puto. I know I slaved making it, lost sleep delivering it to many village stores and fiestas, ate it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, and then some. There is a longer process to make it perfect. It involves soaking the rice and using tuba. With the instructions given, there's no way it's going to look like the picture. Left by: Mike Cruz (11 Apr 2010)

my maternal grandmother(Jesusa c. cruz) was the proud owner and cook of Guam's Favorite CRUZ'S POTO.. this recipe i agree isn't chamoru a all. it must be bitter...that your using beer...old family favorite...try using TUBA
Left by: leslie rugante (8 Mar 2010)

this is not chamorro Left by: daphne (7 Feb 2010)

Free Recipe @ Chamorro Food: Poto (Desserts) (2024)
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