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Teacher Access Center: Gradebook

For assistance on your campus, contact your campus TAC representative:


To locate the correct TAC Server for your campus, use the TAC Chooser. Be sure to choose “In District Access” from school and “Outside District Access”

from home :


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How to Log In to TAC:

Please notice: At home and at school, the username must be preceded by employees\ the slash mark has to be the one above the Enter key and below the Backspace key. Most login problems are due to errors in the word “employees” or in using the wrong slash mark.

If you are not prompted to log in a second time on a computer, please set the security settings to “forget” your username and password so that unauthorized persons will not access your gradebook: http://info.conroeisd.net/department/gradebook/tac/iechanges.htm

Select “Teacher Access Center”Once you have successfully logged in to Teacher Access Center, you may wish to put a shortcut to the website onto the desktop of your computer. To do this, make sure you can see your computer desktop and the blue E that precedes the web address. Click and hold the blue E, then drag and drop it onto the desktop of your computer.

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How to use TAC Gradebook

Gradebook Class List Page

A listing of all of your course-sections will appear. Click on the marking period of the course you want to access.

By default the Scored Items page will appear. If this is your first time accessing this course for this marking period, no data will appear.

Gradebook Scored Items Page

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Click the Assessments button to add assignments to your course.

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Gradebook Categories – Category tab (If you are a K-4 Special Subjects teacher who gives grades of E, S, NI, and U, please see the additional handout for your subject area.)

Categories defined by your system administrator will appear.

CategoryThe Category code and name will display here.

How to Set Up Courses with Exam Grades

1. Open the class file where the first exam grade needs to be entered.

2. Click the "Assessments" button.

3. Click the "Categories" sub-tab:

4. If you are setting up your gradebook for a marking period (usually 2 and 4) that has an exam grade, make sure that "EXAM" is the mark slot set to receive the Exam grade:

5. Set one assignment to receive the exam grade. Notice the category is EXAM:

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**TIP** After creating this special "Exam" assignment, copy it to all of your other courses---make sure to check BOTH the courses you want to copy the assignment to AND the Exam assignment it-self. Click "Save" at the bottom so that you make sure to scroll thorough all your options.

6. When you are ready to enter your exam grade, click on the "Exam" tab from your Scores page (after your Exam assignment is created):

Using this method, when you post grades, your exam grades and cycle grades will be posted at the same time and will not have to be re-entered on the Report Card page, nor will they be overwritten by blanks if you have to re-post.

WeightEnter a Weight to be applied to this category. In the sample screen, homework, quiz and test grades are all counted evenly toward the mark slot. If Total Points is selected above, the Weight field will be inactive and the total points from each category will be used to determine the average.


Drop LowestEnter the number of low scores that should be excluded from the calculation.

Exclude MissingUse the drop down to determine how missing scores should be handled. Options are:

Exclude missing scores from averageMissing scores count as zero(0) in the average

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Gradebook Copy Categories

Overwrite Categories Check here if you want to overwrite existing Categories for your courses.

School Year Use the drop down to select the school year of the Categories to be copied.

Include Marking Click to select each marking period that you want to copy.Periods

To Courses Click to select the courses to receive the Categories.

Categories Click to select each Category to copy.

Click the Copy button

Click the Assessments tab to add assessments for the course.

Gradebook Assessments – Assessment Tab

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Date Assigned Enter the date the assignment was given to the students or use the calendar lookup to select the date.

Date DueEnter the date the assignment is due or use the calendar lookup to select the date. The due date must fall in the date range for the marking period. If you are a special subjects teacher who will give only one grade per nine weeks, select the last day of the current marking period for the one assignment to assure that all students who are enrolled on that date are graded.

Category Use the dropdown to select the appropriate Category for the assessment.

Extra Credit: Do not use Extra Credit. It will not calculate as you would expect. You may type grades over 100 points on a regular assignment on the scores page in order to award extra credit.

Description Enter a short description for the assessment. If more room is needed, click on the bubble icon to enter more text.

Points Enter the total point amount the assessment is worth.

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Weight Enter a weight for this assessment. The students’ scores and the point amount for the assessment will be multiplied by the weight in the Category average calculation.

Publish Item A check here indicates the assessment should be available for viewing through Home Access Center.

Publish Scores A check here indicates the scores for the assessment should be available for viewing through Home Access Center.

Delete Check here if you want to delete the assessment after selecting Save. All scores that have been given for the assignment must be deleted prior to deleting the assignment.

Click Save to save your assessments.

Assessments may be copied by clicking the Copy button. However, grades cannot be copied from one section to another.

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Gradebook Copy Assessments

Insert Missing Categories If you have not already copied the Categories, check here to include them in the copy.

School Year Use the drop down to select the school year to copy.

Include Marking Click to select each marking period to include in the copy.Periods

To Courses Click to select each course to receive the assessments.

Assessments Click to select each assessment to be copied.

Click the Copy button.

Select the Scores button to enter scores for your students.

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Gradebook Scored Items – All Tab

The All tab displays all assessments for the course. You may change your view by selecting a Category tab. For example, selecting HWK on the sample screen above would change your view and display only the Homework Assessments for the course.

Note: The Id, Name, Scale and Notes options remain the same no matter what view you have selected. The Average will change depending upon the tab you have displayed. On a Category tab, the Average will reflect the Category Average. On the All tab, the students’ Average for the course will display. The Marking Period tab on the sample screen above would show the average of all categories that have been configured to flow into the Marking Period mark slot.

Scale If you are an elementary school special subjects teacher, you will select a scale on the Category page of each of your course sections. It will apply to all students enrolled in the section and will allow you to award grades of E, S, NI, and U. Only special subject teachers will use scales.

Notes Click here to enter a free text note for the student.

Average Calculated by the system, this field shows the average for the assessments currently displayed. If you do not see the average, you may need to scroll to the right in the window where 12 Last Update: 3/19/2007

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student names are displayed. You may also want to change the resolution and text size on your computer so that you can see more data in each TAC window.

When you click in a field to enter a score, the points, weight and short description will appear at the top of the page.

Use the Copy Down button in the column heading to copy a score down to all students in the class.

Use the Marking Period drop down to select a different marking period to view.

The Post (RC) and Post (IPR) buttons will appear when your system administrator has opened up the Report Card or Interim Progress Applications for posting. After selecting either of these buttons, you can go to the Grading Classes tab and check the grades that were posted.

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Click on the Notes button to enter a free text note for the student.

If a student transfers from one section of your courses into a different section of the same course number and the courses have the same assessments, you may choose to import those assessments into the new section. Note: The import feature will only allow you to import scores from the same course number and teacher. If you need to import scores from a different course number and/or teacher, select the Import Scores Detail button without selecting a course. This will move you to the scores page where you can key in the appropriate scores.

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Gradebook Import Student Scores

Use the radio button to select the course-section from which you want to import scores. If you need to key scores manually, proceed to the Import Scores Detail page without selecting a course-section.

Click the Import Scores Detail button.

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Gradebook Import Student Scores Detail

Click to select each assessment you want to import.

The Category column provide a link for you to rename the Category if necessary.

Click the Import Scores button.

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Select the Seating Chart button to arrange a seating chart for the class.

Seating Chart

Grid When checked, your seating chart will be arranged in rows and columns. When unchecked you will be able to arrange your students in circle or lab table formats.

Rows When using the Grid format, this field defines how many rows of chairs you have in the classroom.

Columns When using the Grid format, this field defines how many columns of chairs you have in the classroom.

Shuffle Click this button if you want the system to arrange the students in a random format. Otherwise you can click and drag the student to the appropriate location.

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Gradebook Reports

Eight reports are available. Each report has a default title that may be changed. You may select to run a report for a different course or marking period by clicking on one of the course’s marking periods. Most of the reports allow for a date range that will limit which assessments are included on the report.

Assignment Average ChartCompares a student’s scores against the class average.

Class RosterPrints a class roster and up to 20 blank columns. You may also select to print birth date, gender, grade, or house/team and a comment.

GradebookCreates a list report of all of the assessments and scores in the Gradebook. Students may be sorted by name, id number, or randomly. You may also choose to hide the student names on the report.

Missing AssignmentsPrints missing assessments for selected students or all students. You may also select to print selected assessments or all assessments within a date range.

Report CardLists the students in the course along with their averages created on the Category page and any averages set up on the Administration page.

Score ThresholdLists students whose average meets a simple criteria. The report may be run for an assessment, a category, or the total average.

Seating ChartPrints the seating chart for the course.

Student DetailPrints the assessments, category averages and any notes the student received within a date range.

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- Log in in to your TAC server.o Open Internet Explorer.o Browse to http://www.conroeisd.neto Highlight “Employee” and click “Teacher Access Center”o Choose your campus from the “Inside District Access” menus.

Input your username (employees\yourusername) & password. ORo Open Internet Explorer.o Type in “tac_ _ _.conroeisd.net” in the address bar and press enter. (Where _ _ _=your school’s three digit cam-

pus number.)- Click “Ok” at the “Select a database” screen. (You should only see this screen the first time you log in.)- Click “Teacher Access Center”

HOW TO TAKE ATTENDANCE- Click to highlight the course you wish to take attendance for.- Click the “Attendance” tab OR click the “Photo Attendance” tab.- Check “A” boxes for absent and “T” boxes for tardy (to the left of the student name).- Click “Save” when finished.- You will be redirected back to the “Attendance Classes” page. Verify that the class has a check mark in the “Entered” col-

umn. (This means that you have successfully taken attendance for that class.)

HOW TO SET UP CATEGORIES- Click the “Gradebook” tab.- Click the current marking period of the class.- Click the “Assessments” button.- Click to check the categories you wish to use. (Example: Test, Daily, Lab, Exam)- If your course has a final exam, be sure to choose the “Exam” category and select “Exam” as the “Mark Slot.”- Type in the percentages you want each category to be worth click “Save”. (Example: Major 60, Quiz 20, Daily 20)- If you wish to apply these categories to other courses click “Copy.” Click to check which courses you want the categories to

copy to, and click “Save”.

HOW TO SET UP ASSIGNMENTS- Click the “Gradebook” tab.- Click the current marking period of the class.- Click the “Assessments” button.- Enter a “Date Assigned” if desired, “Date Due”(required), “Category”(required), DO NOT USE THE “Extra Credit” box, “De-

scription”(required). You may also select the speech bubble to enter a longer description. Enter “Points”(required, usually 100), “Weight”(required, usually 1). (Publish features are for future Home Access Center use so that parents can see stu-dent grades and assignments.)

- If your course requires a 9 weeks exam, create an assignment called “Exam” with the category “Exam.”- Click “Save” when finished.- Copy assignments to other classes by clicking the “Copy” button.

HOW TO ENTER GRADES- Click the “Gradebook” tab.- Click the current marking period of the class.- Enter the grades for the assignments in the corresponding column. Click “Copy” to copy one grade to the entire column.

HOW TO POST GRADES (submit grades for progress reports or report cards)− Make sure your grades are complete and correct in your gradebook.− When your campus TAC Expert tells you it is time to submit grades, click the “Post IPR” (interim progress report) or “Post

RC” (report card) button that will appear at the top of your gradebook screen for each class you teach.− To check the grades you have submitted, click the “Grading Classes” tab, click the class you want to check, then click the

Interim Progress or Report Card tab as appropriate for your grading period.− If you need to give an incomplete, type “I” over the posted grade on the page, then click “Save.”− If you need to enter exam grades, enter them on the “Report Card” page after choosing your class through the “Grading

Classes” tab.

WHERE TO GET MORE HELP: http://info.conroeisd.net/department/gradebook/tac/ or contact your campus TAC Expert.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Job: IT Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.