Fayetteville Weekly Observer from Fayetteville, North Carolina (2024)

SiMUEl FERGUSON, mansion Mam Martini History of North Carolina. received, and for sale HAY frrmrwr v-t. REPEC I UH.Y 4t')rmj inepuonc, inv ucuw just returned from where he laid in 'itniTmU, )RTu by ajage stock of 7-' 14, Januari GrALES'S NOltTH CAROLINA 3 WW tMketi thp above Stand re- ALMANACK, SrVlTi fVfiY iWprime green iS hhds. bUkheU Liverpool Salt, 45 j. do.

very coarse, 10 bbls. tanner Oil, 1 V24doz. WhiteBottles, '-400 lb. Cotton Yarn assorted Nos. 35 lb; Camphor.

v. p. 4 oi; Sulphate of 50 kegs Dupont's -powder. II A Lit' JOHNSON. tFayeUevitb, December $1, 56ttV I iceutlv occupied by Mr.

ni. 1 racy, and Groceries, Hardware; Shoes ijc. Which he is now opening in the store lately occupied as a Hardware store by Mr. James Baker, on FOR resoecifullv olit its a sbareof public pa erlv af JTT UTif mm tronages the conduct irig of this Est ablish- una receinu the South East corner or Market square. He in i vites the inhabitants of Fayetteville and merchants DECEIVED for sale; wholesale and retail, at (Hent ij.placed wider tne supcrimenoauce anuwrn trout of and others of the interior, to call and examine bis stock, which will be sold very low at or re e.

hale; MMj the Publishers' prices, by 1829. I ESPEC VFULLY announces ioT 1 heJias rented the AIAoS Wk same is.now open for the A tail, for cash or countn produce, Who will endeavor to KiVc general saUsfactiom'TUe. Hotel is in a central aituktipil, spacious and well fur Travellers; Pon0f S. F. has att excellent assortment of Negro Cloths FTT1HE Subscribers beg leave to inform public nlshedi 'c i.v-;-v';l- he Premises bnv and Shoes, to which hejavites the attention of slave 1 i -'i, iate He deems it unnecessary to expatiate upon the fa, rious inducenien which this House preseiitstoTfa holders.

i JL generally, that they have established a Tin fy Sheet Iron Ware 'f i. i.l nva A FALL 4 WINTER GOO DS. Fayetteville, Nov. 19. 50tf.

JUST RECEIVED, vellers. or: to make a protession oi cxiraQrainary nie. ri on the occasibti. 5 i Uimg, Dancing, and Bar Uonms rushed. ybe Chan bets siippTdVnh erf.

and.tbe and Grain and nHi i. Fbr BOARDERS. or 1 Pipe Cogniac Branny, of the very best quality. we, mm On the south side of Hay street, one door, below the Mansion Motel, under the firm, pf Nott Svmvkh, whtfre tbey will keep constantly on large and general assortment of all articles" connected vvith their of superior workraanshipvnd a prices to soil.thv exifrcnc of the-' times, i choicest to 4be retired, there is a. House deiacbeU trom the Hotel, not far from the seat of business and cbnfiguf oiis to the.CourtilouseY which alfrdis comfortable lA iiiMceivetl bv the last arrival om New Wines and Liquors, seleAi CE' his livder u' uff Sy est provisions of the market iVl -Wipes best i Philadelpl tlie lit York and Philadelohia.

a Large and I Jegant tL and pleasant IdgiriKoomsv supply of Fasbionabls FALL GOODS, comprising Orders from the country for ajry article in their the seasons, while his chn the difficulty of the A JSATHIJ UuuciC' is auacnen loxne premi-, ses, where a Cold Warm Bath will be furnished on a very extensive assortment oi n'lgusn, nvtivi Kan, Swiss, Germtbh intSa, American Dry Goods, selected with the utmost care trom the latest Impor- u- naying naa wnz (iner pnra a Tine will bp thaakfuUy receved, and promptly at tended to '-'v 1 WILUAM SUMNER. N. B. Alt fcindi of JToVVVork. and Repairing neat Julv 31.

-K Um ai R2Qi and which he oners to Leather and Shoe Store? PERSON STREET, THREE Doors East of Market Square. entire attention tr 'fc'O ia vf i vo awi a -w. iVnniMn.ii mikI Purchasers, as tow as any Goods of 'the sams (lualitt can oe oougium tius I i Travellerfi advantage that experience, is JfTn' 1 lj comfort, repose, and Rra-ihcaiion, Jd 1 V4 management of the Mansion Hotel fcrM Ijr executed at the shortest notice. N. Fayettevi Ue, Joxember 19.

50itw marWt Amnn? his assortment Will be found all now. open'mg. a very extensive assortment of tht a now.a.nl lachionAble. in part the .1 BOOTS a.ul SHOES, embracing every variety ot kind, and offer them by the case, dozen or retail. a 9 following: i i General lager Office, Ext a a super, blue and black Saxony Cloths, rinHE only general authorized Stage Office Iskept HERB persons owning lands on the banks of the Cape Fear River do frequ entry and Ditto Olive, Oxl oid imst and steel gray ditto.

at prices Ico's Uiaa usual, for cisi owv, ALSO, Sole and Upper Leather, Skirting and Harness do. JL at the above Hotel, which thy following Stages arrive, at and depart frombuortlerofthe Proprietats; Handsome silver gray and drab cassimere, Fine dark and steel mixt sattinetts Camden, Columbia, Augusta, and Petersbnrg Stacres, 2 cases low oriced ditto, assorted colors, Ueneval feae i mm I' Norfolk Stage, departs day and Friday, arrives upsdav and-1. bur' day. hr aHE-lbflbwliijf daily SlPees Georgetown; Chej-aw, cui nh-i Elista. ana ....4 1 1 contrary to Ww, fall timber into the river, and thereby obstruct the and Cape Fear Navigation Company in considerable ex pe ise in removing Therefore, this is to give notice, that from aid after thi time, the said uviiy are determined to prosecute to the.

utter-mist, extent of the law; all persons so offending; and a reward of Five Dollars will be paid, pn conviction, to iy person giving information 'of the 'same to the Subscriber. Uy order of the President and Direct-ors. 1 'v l.y Best Philadelphia Calf Lining Skins and Bindings, Best Cochineal Coacb Linings, Do blue ami black do. do. Black M-r.

Skins and Baiter's Linings Brushes and Fancy Baskets, Shot Thready Blacking, 1Vwiks, $-c. Wilmington Stage, departs Monday; Wednesday and Friday, arrives Tuesriav Thursday and Saturday, A great variety ot extra nne vaientia. Marseilles, anu swansdown vesting. Ulack fancy coi'd Silk ditto Kich, heavy, plain and cut silk velvet Testings A large Scbkautifcl sf.lkctioji of Fanct Calicols, of EVERY DESCRIPTION, and USUSCALLT CHKAP. Greenwhite rei fta hue and low priced Fine gauze Welsh ditto, assorted Scarlet aiidxolored cloth shaw Is IJfue and dark colored heavy -camlets f'L om.iK Lines tv 1 folk Line; departs on iinH.

a-n'dVarrUv vZr 8 W.ngers and III Aho, HATS, By the cas or otherwise.1 W. L. HAWLEY. IHlVXir lMiifln.4 JOHN CRUSOE, Agent. December 17, 1829.

54-2m. rartan and Caroline plaids, handsome patterns, nr "vr Superior blue Circassians, for Ladies cjoaks. ea.rS' to suit the difficulty L. JUDD Hnni Foyettevi'le, October 5. 45tf.

P. S. The a CFAcrcm so BusirKssis carried Western Stage, Rockingham, WadesbOroogh, arrives on Thursday and dejiarts on Passengers are certain of securing seat inwy tof the above Stages, and receiving correct nfovrpirtidp as to the several JJCQCHfLXNV Xj As statements have made; and are macte calculated to deceive and mislead the puWic, and Travellers particularly, the Proprietor'vf the above Hotel, with the consent and approbation of the Proprietors of the Several Stages, subjoins the Volloty iug certificates: J' Jflr We have received your: note of this date, and have in reply to saythat we consider Private Jiuav Avig iWous extenstvt ly, and ever pains taken to please our OCT As statements have been madetom travellers, and) prejudice them MY I louse is open for the accommoilation of 'Hoarders, on reasonable terms, bytlie year, the week, or the day. And I woukf take Schoo tomers. W.

L. H. foil Messrs. C. -p, MalletVProprielorsofW children for any length of time TP vuaricscon ana uamden Lines cl Stages- Wf-S, Fayetteville, Shi MZtb Mr.iLi Judd PADEi: Dear AVr.

Fayetteville; Jan. 21, 1829 7tft asmonable lailor, the Latavette Hotcl as our Stage ufbee agreeably to our letter to "you of, the Utl August. lCK. letter on the subject of our Slates, m-l in reply to an Passengers V5i Elegant I. I.YaFO flTE L.

Kickefs make, sion Hotel shall bejas murh assured cf tleii from any other House, and ran- ,4) for sale on liberal terms, by 2 cases 7-is 8t 4-4 Irish Linens whole dean pieces 7-4 8-4 9-4 and 10-4 table diaper 5-4 6 4 super Irish Sheeting. Ku'viia Scotch' do. 3- 4 7-H 8t 4 4 brown and bleached duck 1 case really fine bird-eye Diaper do. Russia do. 1 case super 6-4 cambric dimity ldo do 1 low priced furniture ditto 2 cases super plain fiiJd.blk bomoazetts 1 case super colored Circassians, for children 2 Cases low priced Leghorn bonnei si; 1 do extra fine.

4- 4 5-4 and 6-4 fine and low priced jaconet muslins 4 4 5 4 and 6 4 corded and checked do. ease fine Riid low priced cambric do. Plain and figd mull and medium do. 72 ps. super figd Swiss do.

some very richly worked A good assortment of plain Swiss do. Iflch tambored and needle worked book muslins, Ditto fine and low priced 5 bales heavy 3 i 4 and 5 point blankets 1 do. 7 4 8 4 9-4 10-4 11-4 12-4 13-4 sup Rose ditto 1 bale super German Oznabuns, good quality 1 bales 4-4 super porter sheetings Padding', buckram, and sail duck. Domestic Goods. AVILLK1NGS regularly for them, and to carry se" CO.

33if. Julv 1829. A O. P. MALLF11W Proprietors of Char leston, Camden, and Tarlarongh 28, 1620.

-StQeJjJ The Lafayette Hotel is our only authovie.Sae Office wheie seats can betaken. O. D. LTM Proprietors Raleigh and Petersburg Stages. 'Proprietot Wilmington Stae.

1). y. Agent Western Stege April 2, 1829. sengers tnere as nsa choose to jro. jf-V? VYejare; respectfullv, i p.

jhliftt -A neat BATHING ESTABLISH MR TVie VJVivVsUau has jusrbeet. added to the' Hotel, vheTe('bf IVtnia RATUS will be furnished at sbort untie July 16. S2tt BKt," leave to inform the citizens of Fa eUevilfe and the public, in general, that he has recently returned from New Vork and Philadelphia, where he has obtained the latest ao most appgovei FASlO.YS,tkt( has made arrangements receive them, through his friends at the North, as often as they are imported. He has tken the shop on Green street, near, the Bridge, and next door to Mr. James H.

Hooper' office, where all orders in hisline will be thankfully executed in the most fashionable style 22. 1829 42-tf i Two or three apprentices to the above busi ness would be taken F. Wauled. Immediately, fjl''-0 or three Journeymen Tailors Ts steady, I good workmen, liberal wages and constant em' ploy will be given. THOMAS FOSTER.

FuyetteviMe, December 3. Embraces, besides all the astronomical and other Tisef.il matter contai neii in the common Almanacks, Alison-Hotel, mucn important instruction and information, of a rao tal and; religious. kind, adapted to the wants of all VVADESBOROUGH. N. CAROLINA.

classes of the community." for sale, wholesale and HAD LOCK'S large assbrtmH 3-4 7-8 4-4 5-4 brown sheetings and shirtings retail, by WILLIAMSON WHITEHEAD. The Subscriber returns Ins island 1-4 7-8 4-4 5-4 bleached Washington sea givtcfulacknowledgmentslo his friends 3-4 7-8 4-4 Ik 5-4 super indico apron chr cks, 441 r. October 8. 3 bale low priced bel ticking. 1 do.

super, quality and the public general I for the liberal suppoi he has heretofore received, and 'V i v. i it St i A great variety ot Brazilian and ornamrntea tuck 6c FOR DISEASES OF THE LUNGS fill IE Proprietor of this Mt-dicine, after repoL vJL trials of its virtues, which have betn iitxl wit the most signal success, no offers it to'k' in soucittng a continuance ot tnose assures side combs, of every description WUViamaiiu IIAS on hand and will sell low for Cash or Country Producers those who may visit this Dhfce in Court week, as well Large tortoise shell tuc and side combs, assorted, who are afflicted by the wasting diseases Misses long neck do. as '1 ravellei and1 persons of pleasure, that ibey. will find at thi Establishment comfortable accommoda 6 flads. N.O.

Sugar, designed to relieve: in full confiilence that it Silk Goods. 00 bbls: different qualities do. I'J tions; his arrangements being such as to enable him Uich embroidered Grosde Naples, i Extra heavy black Italian Lustrings Jet and blue black Grosde Naples in iuiure aevoie more oi ins own petsonai auen tion to the Establishment! be theiefore begs leave jto assure all those who may have the goodness to call on him, that no. pains will be spared on his part, to ender their situation as comfortable as possible. 20 bbls.

white Brazil do. 160 bags 20 hhds. Molasses, 60 kegscut Nails, 1530 )ush. Liverpool Salt, 1 30vi do." Alum ditto. A great variety of fancy colored ditto Sup bite satin Levantine, rigd 6c plain uros de indies Splendid fancy coi'd lsmyrines, a new and beautiful l.

jai 1 1 His able vili he turntsheu with the best tlie-coun article. Heavy blck sincnews and sarsneits try and market affords His Bar will be constantly supplied with the choicest of Domestic Liquors. His sacks I 10JOO lbs. Bacon, 2000 do. Lard.

1 April 30, 1829 i A great variety of fancy cord Palmerines, very cheap Plain and striped Foulards and cote paleys 1 case assortd super blk bombazines, some really fine Stables are large, and shall be attended with expe 2Itf. rienced anoThonest and ihe best provender. found efficacious, particularly if taken in stages of these diseases. For two years past, this Medicine has ber.s pared in the form of a powder, and taken un a sion, with the 'tnosthappv success. It is noi ed to the afflicted in the form of a biruporinii der, as the patient may prefer, under thtconws, that eitlier form will produce the same happy Those who consult convenience, and seek si once agreeable to the palate and salutirj to whole system, will give a preference totheS'S as it is already prepared and fit for immedate Among its most prominent qualities tbe frflc? may Be.

mentioned, as entitled to particulcc ration, it promo'es that gentle perspiration is deemed hea1tli," and checks ihose sm are morbid and pernicious It relieves fections, and congestion of the lungs, to the languid circulation. It assumes cci.gt a free and 'mild expectoration. It reit nabi from th r.hpsri It relieves asthmatic or Straw, blue, Pink, Sc white Florences etc 1NGOE D. CASH. Wadesborough, Feb.

4, 1829. lOtf. 4 5-4 black Italian mode VveriJE'd AaW for Taxeb 1 1 mm i i ltiuiv uie ii auvi oi narcn nexi.1 win Black Italian crape and crape leisse 1 Pink, white, green, and straw colored do. Rich heavy white and straw colored satins New Goods. ati at the Court House Dortr," in the Town of Fayc'teville, the following TRACTS OF i.YO, Ueal Mandarin crape robes, very rich and heavy rnilE Subscriber inform his customers and trie Do.

French 5c India ditto. Canton Nankin crapes lying; in the Districts ot Lock's Creek, Flea Hill, Wti.is Oreek, itackfish, and 71st District, or so much A public, that he is now receiving about TWO HUNDRED PACKAGES OF there3f as will be efficient to pay the Taxes due wors(ed and (f thereon tor the year 1828, together with all costs and embroidered belt riboS, a new beautifular- viz. 1 A e-reat varietv of nainted tancv CoPd belt rioons cult--respiration: It. corrects obstinate costi Lock 8 Crtek District. Tatata nbons.

all widths and colors Which have been bought at the New ork Aortionse 143 acres on Sandy creek, listed by David Home, vfew sets-rich bonnet ribons superior to any ever tax due, $0 88 offered bv us. A crreat variety fancy low onced do. and thus leaves the bowels in a regular nfl no-; state. Thus, it isfoiind.that those painful TMt which indicate diseased lungs, readih 1-powerful remedv, when seasonably resorted that it restores the oatient to that bodily anu at tne ooston semi annual sale. Which makes his stock now very extensive, perhaps not inferior to aiy in the State, embracing eveTy description of the most fashionable and desirable of imported and American 200 on do.

by Abraham Leaden, 83 IK) pieces handsome cap ribons. Black love do. all widths Fancyr barege scarfs and long shawls Goods; the variety being too tedious to enumerate i the consuntion, 1 Jwj 17 Merino and Cashmere do. icicq barege fancy do. Embroidered crape and lithographic do.

490 joining Autery and othew, 300 manor plantation, 200 on Cape Fear joining McAlister," listed by Henry Nunnery, 13 50 on Burkhorn, by VIerida Odum, 1 HQ on do- by Malcom Purcell, 1 Flea Hill Dtitrict. its jiatural operation, would very -spcetuiy 'JvtaJL. virtue of this COPPER, FIN, 8c SHEET IRON MA-NUFAC TURER, liny Street, a Jew. tlonrs ost of Jlless. Hall Johnson, BEING thankful for ihe liberal encouragement he has received, begs leave to inform his friends and ihe public, that he has commenced the Tin business, and having employed first rate workmen, flatters himself that he will be enabled to give satisfaction to all whoinay favor him with their custom He has on hand, and offers on the most reasonable terms, STILLS of various sizes, from 35 to 120 gallons.

Hatter's Kettles and Stampers, a general assortment of Brazier's Copper and Bottoms Bolt Copper, Copper and Iron Rivets, Rod Iron from 3-ly to 7-8, also Sheet Iron, and every article in his line, with a general assortment of Copper C5 Wave, And will continue to manufacture, of the best materials and workmanship, every article in his line, at a short notice. (Tj Ortiers from the Country thankfully received and promptly attended to. OCj Cash paid for old Copper and Pewter. FayetteviUet A. 24 51-tf Wanted, A First rate TLY PLA TE WORKER.

To such an one constant employment and liberal wages will be given by applying to JAMES MARTINE. January 28, To Rent. 30 res icniiig tu- cn.kePJL rAr- R2 WIt 00 Extra gros de Indies and gros de Berlin do. Black love handkerchiefs, and Barcelona do. WHi accumpaiiv cstcu uumc.

Blk and fancy coi'd Italian cravats, with and without Or 54 a dozen. tue romcr or S9 dollars a dozen nf '1007 on Horsepen branch and 44 joining D. Mc- borders, NeilL by John Carouth, the different articles in an advertisem*nt and the Subscriber's stand being so well known, that he thinkn it entirely unnecessary to resort to he aid of a long and puffing are a great variety of Cloths, Bombazetts, Circassian Plaids, Blankets, Linens, Prints, Silks, Leghorn Bonnets, Shoes, ifc. The Subscriber can with confidence sure merchants I from the country, that they will ind it their interest to call and esamine his JOHN lcARN October 15, N. B.

Leghorn Hats, Men's Hats and Caps! and atl 23 1 Ladies English French blk white super silk hose 36 1 1 Ho. do. silk gloves lloskios's mitts and kid gloves, of every description 69 i a i I Vot -SaleV tientiemeirs oiacR. ana coiorea ao. 200 on do.

do. by John Davis 575 on Great Little creek, by Jas Geddie 199 on Flat Swamp, by Bryant Guy, 100 joining Henry Elliott, by Ezekiel King 128 joining Matthew King, by Jos. N. King, 840 on Bain's Vlarsh, by Alex'r McPhail, 76 75 Do. wOodstock and Norway doe do.

Do. cold arid white dress castor do ikega.FFF. Gunpowder, 10 Barrels Loaf Suar, v2 34 3 40 Rich bobinet lace capes and palerines Rinds ot shoes, cheap by the case. 10 Ditto Linseed Oil. --wria i WILLIAbOX llinTHft i 460 joining Carouth, by do do.

for the uper Swisaand camboured do heirs of John McPhail, 87 A great English and French thread laces 266 joining H. Griffin, by Mary McCorquedale 1 01 and insertion lace JJ 7a -vamp, by John Norman, 71 Bobinet lapes, al widths and patterns Chesapeake an dTel aware -fVJ 6 I IChis hereby given, that tbis tan J3I open for navigation. ji J00 on Mmgo joining vrapwell, by John Pope, 79 4-4 5-4 6-4 fine bobinet lace and. thread floss WILLEINGS CO HATE JUST RECEIVED AND OFFER FOR SALSj Hhds. N.

O. bugar, iff JLxJ 5 do. superior Sfc Croix -10. i 18 joining Henrv Elliott, by Joshua Taylor, ,81 (Hack St White bobinet lace veils, some very splendid 50 joining Gardner and others, unlisted, the Linen cambric Str linen cambric handkerchiefs, with Tk. i iftfi ftt in lensin, UJVI9 estate of John McKay, 57.

and without eolM borders i 'v be navipcu Wiuld, ana gauai ,.7 feet1 Super bandana and foulard German Sc India hkfs. of milis Creek District. 25 bags prime green 25 do. Str Dbmincrb." "do. superior quality, all colors The' rates of toll have been fixed ih as well as the mosi 0 143 on Cape Fear, by Daniel Butler, 4 08 300 west side C.

F. Gray's crk, by Wm Brantly 76 20 do. and 10 bbls. old white do. 20 barrels loaf Sugar, rented, those commodious dwell-f ing Houses and out Houses belonging to the Estate of Duncan McLeran, deceased, the one situate on the corner of Dick and Potts Streets, formerly occupied as a residence by Dr.

Cameron, the other situate near the top of Hay Mount, adjoining the residence of Mr. James 5, Application may be made to the Subscriber on or before the 15th of February next, when, (if not pre viously rented) they will be rrnted at Public Auc-tioni at the Town House in FavettevilTe." i- 1 1 IflU tCV- safe r.hannel ot (Qnmmunication i anst 200 joining D. Thames, by Jas. Chapman, 4 06 Any Rodgers fine pen and pocket knives; 2U do. 222 on Dunn's Creek, and 1 unimproved Lot.

Large, heavy and long dirk do. 10 casks ice, 4 Fine Sc low priced extra steel scissors 10 bags black Pepper ters of the Chesapeake and mation in relation to the canal, rates be had on apphcation at tbe companj 41 vValout street, Philadeiph.a Horses for towing' may always oe Fayetteville, Cool Spring, by B. Chap'man, 7 50 195 joining Thames, by Wm. Jordan, 74 X56 east side Cape Fear; by Thos. Taylor, 3 28 ireaKiast ainnerjcnives oc lorKs, same very super.

Extra fine razors, warranted in, handsome JOHN BLACK, Sb'fT. W. V. TKANGE, C'li JIL TL 5 v-'- -50 keg.ct-Nai!fvr':V-.. 40 piecesxotton Bagging.

25 coil of bale Ropef6, iV chcsts Hyson cases j.t 4 Heming 8c Son's best sewing nee'dles, By A. BLACK, D. S. 26,1830. 60-3w; -v Bodkins, darning needles, Sec.

8tc ff Rockfish District. ftoUavs KevJOTa. super plated candlesticks, snuffers Sc trays, aim gun powder -Te boes fayetteville tnoulHCaiidlei7 Gilt lool3 ng glasses, all sizes and newest patterns Co0 Rockfish Gillis branch, by Dune Black, 3 65 200 Itoekfish, by Nancy Campbell, 4 76 -200 ditto, bv William Carman, 4 FROM the Subscriber, on he 29th ult. a likely Negro Fellow, named Georce. flhn tit lied chamber do.

with and without drawers A variety of antique oil. Fancy soaps. Otto of roses October 8, 1829 Real French Cologne, Sec. Tout clasDS Super.fancy morocco pocket books, wjth' and 'with price at either end of the pjfrf 1 Robert M. vHv Chesapeake Delaware D.

Sretaxy Through from four and a ij lliriLL feave Lyford's FOUNTAI Street, on Thursday. 6th oclock in the.morning.for shin jIlIeJ nne to run daily; at the same wn uC( riard's Mansion Hotel, Pennsylvani the President's House,) for Bah imore- fjBooks kept at the epcelffJr-tbeStage Office; No2, sooth taKerts "T.t iiiniiuits anu vojv. ucau rclltUlCS C- 76 purses. Ladies work baskets '4 9uuscnoer nas just received and will keep constantly lor saleth following work, TtieRevisal of -Lgt orxhyC tether below the ordinary size, thin visage, had when he left; a considerable quahtityfgood clothing, a watch, and makes, on occasions, an rimposing ap. pearance, supposed to have afree and no doubt CQpsiderable for whose apprehension and delivery I will give fifiy dollars, and for the conviction of any person harboring him, or evidence suffi-cient for conviction before a court of justice.

1 will give twenty five dollars. Rich parasols and super large family Umbrellas 19 Super white velvet, and camel hair pencils vuua, i am n. 57 970 ditto. Jumping gully, 100 on falls Rockfish, 3000 on big and little Bockfish, 180 Kockfish Mills, due for 1827 and 1828, by Thomas Davis, 28 100 Little Rockfish, by Thomas Davis for the est te of Wilkinson, 15 Briad branch, by Duncan Mac Arthur, 45 Camden road, by Elizabeth Newberry, Beaver cre.ek, by Malcom McPhersoo, 7 90 Sandy Run, by William Simmons, 500 jommg the Ellison survey, by Samuel and Alexander Williams, 1 Eapie'a creek, by Jno. Mac Neill, Rm utyFirst District.

.600 Beaver creek, by D. Kay, i 7 25 Chief Justice. Taylor's ConVtriuationof thesame? (u ib J8 00 Ladies screw plate pincushions, and velvet do, A variety of rich jet necklaces, blk and fancy colors Suspender, pearl, and cambric shirt buttons 12 94 CHARLES ROBINSON; Lewis Sc Tomes best gilt coat, but eons Lads habit and fapcy carved do. and vest do wenmvim iviuuytJQn. lO OOtt Jixecupi Administrators, Sec.

1 so 53 I'aste" boards, wire. cc a. recepiion i sr- Fare two dollars and hlty tc 89 00 MJ? t5 Fayetteville, A. C. Sept.

30, 1828. 00 JO'-- Nov. 3 50-l3t 1 Book, Paimphlet 56 yCneditioniasis 00 3ust tecelvea au5L or 4f Barrels Tanner's OIL, AU50 kejrs White Lead in biL and Genuine Port Wine, in boxes of one doz.eacli, DetcmbcrS. JOHN IIUSKE. Juhn HLACK, Sh'fT.

1ALE December 31 1829. D. GILLIS, S. 56ta. 1 Of all kinds, neatly printed, are kept constantly for sale at this office BU8 ut fecclivnffP.i rij executed at this off 4 Jast printed undefor sale at this Office.


Fayetteville Weekly Observer from Fayetteville, North Carolina (2024)
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