I Can Wait - Chapter 27 - 2much_time_on_my_hands - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

I was buzzing with excitement as I finished up our packing. I’ve never been to America and neither had Charlie so it was going to be fun. And he promised he was going to f*ck me there - no make love to me. That was a very big deal.

There was to be a full moon on the 4th so I made sure to pack our potions in addition to lube and our jocks. I shrunk our bag and Kreacher appeared to tell me he had cleaned the apartment and stocked the kitchen.

Nana had also instructed him to change the mattresses and pillows so I guess that would all be new. I’m glad have a sh*t ton of money the way Nana spends it, but I suppose it was hers anyway.

When Charlie finally got home, we sat with Nana and Gramps and they told us about the building and stuff. I hoped Charlie was paying attention, but I had the address and I’m sure they could direct us from the place where we had to register our wands when we arrived.

Finally it was 14:00 and we grabbed the portkey and, in a flash, we were at an immigration point in New York and it was 9:00 in the morning. I almost immediately threw up - fortunately in a receptacle provided. Charlie put his arms around me and helped me over to the registration desk. They were very efficient. The woman gave a stare at my scar after she checked my wand but didn’t say anything.

She looked at where we were staying and said we could just apparate straight to the lobby as it was a magical building. Charlie took us there and we found ourselves in the foyer of a grand looking building. There was an old man at a desk.

“May I help you?”, he said and then looked up, “Oh. Welcome. You must be Mr Potter and Mr Weasley? Your elf said you’d be arriving this morning. I’m Ernie and I’m the chief doorman here. I was very fond of your grandparents Mr Potter. They sometimes come to visit me. But, obviously they have been spending their time with you lately”.

“How do you do? It’s just Harry and Charlie”, Charlie said, “I’m afraid we’ve had rather a rough trip, could you tell us where to go? But we’d love to have a proper chat later”.

“Of course, Charlie. Either lift behind you. Press the penthouse button. Probably best if Mr, I mean Harry does. It should work for him. But before you go up, this was left for you”.

He handed us a bunch of flowers and a note.

“Thank you Ernie”, I said and we went up in the lift and it opened directly into the apartment we walked in to the sitting room and Nana and Gramps were sitting in a portrait over the fire.

“We’re just visiting boys, don’t worry. It’s your holiday, but we thought”, Nana started.

“Your Nana thought”, Gramps said.

“Monty! Anyway we thought we’d tell you about the place. The bedrooms are to the right in the hall in front of you. The kitchen and dining room to the left. The stairs in the corner lead up to the roof terrace and sauna. That’s Central Park through the windows”.

“It’s lovely Mia, Monty. Harry’s feeling a bit peaky. Maybe you could pop back in a couple of hours?”

“We’ll leave it to you boys. You have a great holiday. Send Kreacher if you need anything. Say goodbye Mia”, Gramps said.

“See you soon and have fun”, she said and they left the portrait.

We went and found what seemed to be the master bedroom. I went and brushed my teeth and got into bed for a little nap. Charlie climbed in next to me and whispered in my ear, “I love you baby” as he pulled my head onto his chest and stroked my hair til I fell asleep.


I let him sleep for about an hour and then we got up and explored the apartment. I remembered the flowers and Harry opened the note while I went to find a vase. When I came back into the room, he handed it to me.

Dear Charlie and Harry,

Please excuse the informal greeting but I feel that I already know you both through my brother. I’m Catriona Shacklebolt - or Cat to friends - and I am Kinglsey’s sister.

He wrote to say you were staying for a couple of days and, since I live downstairs, I hoped that I could take you out for lunch and a tour of the magical district of New York today or tomorrow. I was thinking of meeting at 13:00 either day. If you are available, just press the buzzer by your door and let Ernie know and I will meet you in the lobby.

If you are not available, welcome to New York and I hope you enjoy your stay.



I looked at Harry. “That’s nice of her. What do you think?”

He looked at his watch, “it’s 11:30. So today?”

I nodded and he went to buzz Ernie. When he came back up we went up to the roof terrace which had a great view across the park and of the New York skyline. Harry opened the sauna and his eyes lit up.

“Charlie, it’s hot!”

“That’s what a sauna is - basically a sweat box”.

I looked in and there was a wooden bench and some towels and robes on the back of the door.

He pushed me against the wall and kissed me. “Mmmmmm”.

“Your first time is going to be in bed baby - not a quickie on a rooftop. But we should have time for a quick blowj*b if you want”, I said pushing him onto the bench. He vanished our clothes and took me in his mouth. It didn’t take me long before I came and got on my knees to reciprocate. He lasted a bit longer than I had and we threw on the robes and went down to shower and change.

We met Cat in the lobby. She was a beautiful woman, taller than us and very regal looking. She immediately hugged us both. “Sorry, we’re a little less formal over here and it’s so nice to hear proper accents”.

We both greeted her and she handed us each a baseball cap with a erumpent on the front, “Your book was released here yesterday so I thought you may appreciate some anonymity. These hats are for the local Quodpot team so you’ll blend in”.

She explained that one of the exits from the building led to Central Park West in muggle New York and the other into the magical district. We went through that door and onto the main magical avenue which was full of shops and restaurants and pretty busy for a Sunday afternoon. One of the first shops we passed was a bookstore with Harry looking out at us from what looked like hundreds of books.

We quickly walked by and she led us to a restaurant that served ‘homestyle American food’ and we were taken to a table in the back by a server who greeted Cat by name.

“I absolutely adore this place”, she said. She helped us order and barely took a breath as she spoke.

“My brother speaks so highly of you both. You must tell him he should visit his darling baby sister soon. I understand that we may have another person in common. My godson is teaching at Hogwarts - Ryan Abernathy? We are, of course, devastated that he has left us, but he seems to be enjoying it”.

Harry looked a little overwhelmed, but I can’t understand why as he often goes on these little rambles. Fortunately I am fluent in it.

“Yes, Ryan has been great - it’s nice to have someone else starting at the same time”.

“He is a darling and I am so glad he is not an auror anymore, but I do not enjoy the international portkeys”.

She prattled on and the food arrived. She ordered something called chicken fried steak for Harry, turkey meatloaf for me and chicken pot pie for herself. The food was amazing and I made a note of the name of this place so we could come back on our own.

Then we walked down the street and she pointed out different stores, “this is where you should go for clothes - cheaper than the UK and such good quality. This toy store is so charming. Stay away from here - the craftsmanship is shoddy”, etc.

We passed a tattoo parlour and Harry paused outside looking at the moving images of magical tattoos. “Our Ryan has spent entirely too much time here, but his parents say as long as they can’t see then, it is fine”.

She asked how long we were staying and I told her we were going home on Wednesday afternoon. She asked if we would be interested in a Quodpot match as Ryan’s parents had a box she could probably borrow if there was a match on.

We were both very keen on that having made absolutely no plans before we came. She recommended some other restaurants as we passed them and by the time we were done walking most of the shops were closing and we were back at our entrance.

I invited her up for drinks as I saw a bar in the sitting room, but she declined and said she would let us know about the Quodpot match when she knew and just let her or Ernie know if we had any questions.

We were still quite full (I couldn’t stop praising the food) so we went for a bit of a walk in the muggle areas. Lots of people, taller buildings than I’d ever seen and everyone walked really fast.

Eventually we headed back home and Harry started walking a lot faster - like a man on a mission.


New York was really cool and Cat was very nice, but all I wanted was to get back to the flat - well penthouse. I wanted to go back up to that sauna again, but Charlie had different ideas. We just sat and kissed on the sofa for a while and then looked at the bathrooms to find the best tub. None were quite as deep as the ones at the cottage, but the one in the master bath had enough room for both of us.

He massaged my shoulders and kissed the back of my neck. I felt so relaxed. We got out of the bath and he dried us both off and the picked me up bridal style and carried me to bed.

More kissing and he leaned into my ear, “are you sure you are ready for this baby?”

“I am so sure. I want you so bad”.

He kissed down my chest and then to my co*ck and then my arse. Tongue, finger, more fingers and it was time. He wanted to try with me lying on my side and him coming in from the back because should be more comfortable, but I said no. I wanted to be like he was yesterday with me on my back. I wanted to be able to look into his beautiful brown eyes.

He told me to breathe in and then breathe out as he pushed in bit by bit. It kind of burned at first but eventually it felt good. So much better than the toys did. Charlie was just sort of staying still and asking if I’m ok and telling me to breathe.

I couldn’t wait anymore and started pushing into him. “I want”.

He checked twice that I was sure before he took me at my word. Then I got to see ‘I want’ Charlie in action. It felt so right. So perfect. I liked being in him a lot. But I loved him in me. Like we were one being.

I came buckets and he kept going for a bit until he did too inside of me and he fell into me and started kissing me. He tried to pull out but I asked him to stay in. Like I needed it. When he finally did I felt my eyes well up.

“Baby did I hurt you? Are you ok?”, he said sounding alarmed.

“No. Just so much…So good… I’ve wanted it for so long … maybe sad it ended? … love you so much”.

He pulled me close. “Oh I love you too baby”.

“Was I okay? Like was it as good as…”

“Shhhh. There is no comparison. You are my golden bond”, he said.

We cuddled for a bit. Then I grabbed his hand and let him upstairs to the sauna. My first time couldn’t be there but my second was. I think I finally found something I was naturally good at other than quidditch.

I’m not sure how I got there, but I woke up in our bedroom the next morning. Charlie wasn’t there, but I smelled something good. Maybe he was making breakfast. I started to get out of bed, but just groaned and fell back. Everything hurt.

Charlie came in with a tray with eggs and sausage and put on the side before climbing in next to me. His neck looked like he had been attacked, love bites all around his courting chain and I thought I could see bite marks on his shoulder.

He cuddled me. “I love you baby”.

I kissed the bite marks. “Love you too. Sorry”

He laughed. “You got a bit over enthusiastic there last night. How are you feeling?”

“Everything hurts, but like in a good way? I loved that so much Charlie. Like, I dunno, better than anything”.

“Better than when you are in me?”, he asked running his hands over my chest.

“Different? Maybe made me feel a bit more … maybe loved - no not that - like connected? Like I gave you control over my body. Like you were taking me over. I liked that. Very much”

He laughed again. “Hardly. When we were upstairs, I tried to slow it down so I could last and you weren’t having it. I came and you kept going until I came again. I’ve never done that before. Twice in the same go”.

I could feel myself blush. “But down here I’m sure I saw ‘I want’ Charlie”.

He stroked my hair. “Yes. I did want and I will always want. But next time, which will not be today by the way, we’ll take some more time. Maybe a bit gentler for you okay?”

I nodded. “But it was alright for you? Like as good as him?”

“Harry, never think about him. I don’t except when you bring him up. Everything with you is better ok?”

I nodded. “Now eat your breakfast baby”, he said.

He left the room and I could hear water running while I ate.

He came back and, when I was finished, picked me up and carried me to the tub.

“I’ve put double muscle relaxant potions in. I’ll join you once I’ve tidied up”. I ogled his arse as he left.

I heard the buzzer go as I was waiting and he came back in. “Ernie says an owl arrived for you. He sent it to the roof terrace and it is awaiting a response”.

He handed me a note. “It’s from Neville. I owled him before we left to see if he could get down and he has tomorrow free. Is it ok if he comes? He can get a train down from Ilvermorny”.

“I’d like that. Shall I write back? Invite him to stay over tomorrow night if he wants?”, Charlie said.

“Yes please”.

Charlie left and I started to feel the potions working. He came back (and said we needed to get some owl treats for here) and got in the bath with me. We soaked through two warming charms and then got out to go and explore.


Once we were dressed and ready, we went downstairs to talk to Ernie to get some recommendations for things to see. There was a magical zoo that sounded amazing. I wanted to go back to that restaurant from yesterday and Harry wanted to do some shopping. Ernie mentioned a botanical garden so we decided to leave that for when Neville was here.

It was really cold and so we decided our first stop would be to go to the clothes store Cat pointed out yesterday. We each got a new cloak and some gloves and scarfs. Harry brought us over to the underwear section and we spent far too much time trying to pick out pants for me that he would wear, but somehow they had to be mine.

After that we took the tram to the zoo. It was more like a safari park. We were in a little cart-like thing with a guide and drove around the park, we saw a pride of Wampus Cats, a Thunderbird who was making a storm, and Horned Serpents that Harry talked to. Apparently they liked their area and food, but one of the keepers had a bad attitude and they would like more Hellbenders in their diet.

The Erumpents were mating when we went by. It was an amazing morning. When we finished the tour, Harry hit the gift shop. He bought stuffed animals of every type for the kids in the Home. “Christmas is coming up and Jusuf has a birthday next week”, he said as he threw another toy in his basket.

The helpful young woman who checked us out shrunk everything for us and threw in a couple more toys for free.

We went back to town and Harry dawdled by the tattoo place as we were walking back to that restaurant. I noticed that the chef sold a cookbook and so bought that while we were there. Harry had the turkey meatloaf that I had yesterday and I got something called jambalaya.

We headed back to the apartment, stopping to pick up owl treats, and dropped off all our stuff. Harry wanted to see the sauna again. There was still some evidence of yesterday’s activities on the walls. I cast a cushioning charm and we had a nice 69 and lay there for a while until an owl knocked on the door. It was a note from Neville confirming tomorrow so we put on our dressing gowns and I got an owl treat for the owl and he flew away.

There was a buzz when we got downstairs and Ernie said there was a message from Cat saying she had tickets for tonight for the Quodpot match if we were still interested. I said yes and he said to meet her in the lobby at 19:00 and wear warm clothes.

Harry made us a light supper and then we headed out in our new cloaks and our Erumpent hats.

Cat was as chatty as yesterday. We apparated to the stadium and were led into the Abernathy box where there were elves with drinks and nibbles. Ryan’s parents were there. It was just the five of us.

We didn’t need the cloaks as it was covered and it was very posh, Ryan is clearly from money.

It turns out that Mr and Mrs Abernathy (Robert and Phylicia please) were British-born and had moved here just after Hogwarts when they got married. Robert’s father was an auror and sent them here to keep them away from Voldemort. Ryan was born here.

Robert also had been head boy at Hogwarts and was a Gryffindor. “Your father and his friends were an absolute nightmare. They were in their second year during my last. I never knew how they turned up everywhere until I read about their map in your book”.

Harry laughed, “they didn’t make the map until later. My dad had an invisibility cloak”.

“Ah. That explains a lot. Your father was an amazing flyer - made the team in his second year. Ryan said he played at your house. He really enjoyed that”.

Harry lit up as Robert talked about his Dad, Sirius and Remus. Fortunately he didn’t mention Pettigrew.

The game started and Robert explained the rules. Seemed like just chasers and the quaffle (the Quod) exploded every so often unless it went into the Pot. And the player got thrown off the pitch if it blew up when they had it.

It was a really fun night and reminded me I had to him out flying again soon. Phylicia gave us a package to bring back to Ryan. “And we would be so grateful if you could find him a nice boy. He’s been single too long”.

We headed home and invited Cat up for drinks.

We looked through what was in the bar and she whipped up a drink called a Manhattan which seemed appropriate and they were really good. We chatted for a while and we told her Nev was coming tomorrow and that we were planning on going to the botanical gardens and she said she’d join us.

When she left we went to bed and fell asleep with his head on my chest.

I Can Wait - Chapter 27 - 2much_time_on_my_hands - Harry Potter (2024)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.